Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2769: Venerable Dongyang: What's the situation?

Autumn wind building.

Itachi sat down with an unwilling look on his face, his expression depressed.

This humiliation does not fall, but it cannot be cut!


The colleagues of the dynasty are fighting **** battles against the thieves, fighting for not falling.

And he can't kill even the insulted person.

How can you be willing?

Even, he has the urge to kill this person, not to fall back, and to join the war.

"Master Itachi, don't worry."

The rich man on the side, Lu Buwei, could not help but say in a deep voice, seeing the anxiety in Weasel's heart:

"In this battle, if I don't fall, I will definitely win, and the Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty can never be shattered!"

"However, the Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty has joined forces with many great forces, and dozens of emperors have taken action.

I worry……"

Itachi had a solemn expression, and a worrisome flickered between his eyebrows.

As Venerable Dongyang said, the Emperor Buluo Dynasty suffered too much at the level of the emperor's combat power, far inferior to the Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty.

He had to admit that Venerable Dongyang's words were true.

If the emperor and others are defeated and suppressed by Emperor Zhenhuang and others, then everything is over!

At the thought of this, Itachi became anxious, wishing to return to the imperial dynasty and fight side by side with everyone.

Even if he died in battle, it is as if there is glory!

"Master Itachi, although you have a strong cultivation base, you have just stepped into the realm of the quasi-emperor.

If the emperor, Lord Han, and Lord Pig are defeated, even if you and I don't fall back, it will not change the situation of the battle. "

Lu Buwei's eyes are like torches, and he can see through Itachi's thoughts at a glance.

This level of battle is no longer the two of them can dominate.


The ferret is unwilling to do so.

"No, but, how powerful the emperor is, and I worry about you and me.

Moreover, by the means of the emperor, any invading enemy cannot threaten the dynasty, and it will definitely be suppressed by the emperor! "

Lu Buwei smiled.

The words are full of confidence and admiration for the emperor.

The river does not fall, but my lord!

No one can defeat the emperor in the vast worlds.

"Yes, the emperor is omnipotent, how can he be defeated by a group of thieves!"

Hearing this, Itachi was shocked and swept away his previous depression.

However, when the two looked at the head of the Qiufenglou, they inevitably had a trace of worry.

Must win!

"Oh, ignorance!"

Venerable Dongyang shook his glass, glanced at the two Lu Buwei, and smiled contemptuously.

Lu Buwei's conversation between the two was heard by him.

I thought that at this time, the two unidentified cultivators were in casual meditation. As a result, these two people still did not fall into the dynasty.

However, they are just two foolish loyalists!

He couldn't see the situation clearly, and his thoughts were extremely naive, or rather silly and a little cute, and he didn't know how to cultivate to the Emperor Zhun.


Even the giants of the heavens don't dare to say that they are omnipotent, and a small emperor who does not fall dare to say that they are omnipotent?

Also worthy of saying omnipotence?


Venerable Dongyang didn't bother in his eyes either, and the dumb and cute Lu Buwei and the two turned to look at the director of the Qiufenglou.

At this time, the director of Qiufenglou had opened the first message:

"The first news is that the Buluo Dynasty rushed to take action before the arrival of the Zhenhuang Emperor and other forces. The three emperors came out of the sky.

Destroy the demon Kun clan, destroy the Kunman Empire, and slaughter the demon spirit clan!

The three emperors were suppressed, swallowed, or practiced into pill! "

"The first confrontation, without losing the victory!"

When the director of Qiufenglou read the news, he himself was stunned.


The others were in an uproar.

The smile on Venerable Dongyang's face suddenly froze.

What's the situation?

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