Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2773: Excited Dongyang Venerable

It is by relying on its own head teacher and deputy head teacher that Cangqing Divine Sect can stand on the Eastern Frontier, and secure its position as the second power in the Eastern Frontier, faintly contending with the Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty.

Then what canopy demon sovereign, how can it be an opponent?

This is the greatest arrogance in my heart as a disciple of Cangqing God Cult.

However, the words of the director of the Qiufenglou, like a splash of cold water, suddenly extinguished the arrogance of Venerable Dongyang:

"Taoist Cangqing and the Great Emperor Qingshu have joined forces, and they still lose to the Tianpeng Demon Venerable..."


Venerable Dongyang was startled, his smile stiffened again.

Fortunately, everyone was attracted by the words of the director of Qiufenglou, and did not notice the gaffe of Venerable Dongyang.

"Tongtian Baozun made a move, but was suppressed by the eternal emperor and the Taichu emperor. It turns out that these two emperors have already joined forces with the Buluo Dynasty!"

This news, in normal times, is enough to make everyone shake three shocks.

But now, everyone has been shocked by the previous news, although shocked, they are not too surprised.

If so, the next news also shocked everyone.

"When the Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty fell into defeat, another emperor who looked similar to Emperor Zhenhuang appeared.

No, not similar in appearance, this is the real Emperor Zhenhuang.

Before that, the'Emperor Zhenhuang' was the son of Zhenhuang, Emperor Huangyang! "

"Emperor Huangyang, for his father to coerce Eastern Xinjiang for several epochs!"

"Good calculation, good calculation!"

The news of the Qiufeng Tower came from the emperor behind the Qiufeng Tower and was written by the emperor himself.

Between the lines, you can see the shock of the emperor.


Everyone took a breath.

For a long time, the "Emperor Zhenhuang" they feared was actually just the son of Emperor Zhenhuang!

And the real Emperor Zhenhuang has long been hidden behind the scenes?

Emperor Huangyang has already stepped into the fourth stage, wouldn't the true Emperor Huang be even more terrifying!

"it is good!"

Venerable Dongyang even slapped the table and exclaimed:

"I'm just talking about Emperor Zhenhuang, how could it be defeated by Emperor Fuluo?

When the Emperor Zhenhuang made a move, he would surely be able to wipe out with the momentum of thunder! "

Taoist Cangqing has already taken action, indicating that Cangqing Divine Sect and Emperor Zhenhuang are already grasshoppers on a rope.

Prosperity and prosperity, loss and loss!

The True Phoenix Emperor's dominance was a great thing for Cangqing Divine Sect.

How can Venerable Dongyang not be excited?

"Not bad!"

Many powerhouses who supported the True Phoenix Emperor also nodded and felt slightly relieved.

When the news of Qingtian God General came, everyone was sure in their hearts.

"Hahaha, three fourth-level emperors, the defeat of the imperial dynasty is set!"

Many strong people laughed.

At this time, everyone who supported the Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty finally fell.

Correspondingly, Itachi and Lu Buwei's heart suddenly raised.


The two clenched their hands, looking at the director of the Qiufenglou, their expressions were extremely nervous.

These are the three strongest emperors in the fourth stage, each of them is extremely powerful and can overwhelm the eastern border.

As usual, any one person can control the entire Eastern Xinjiang!

Can I win without falling?

"In such a situation, the gods cannot save the imperial dynasty.

Unless, Buluo Dynasty can find three fourth-level emperors, or find a stronger emperor..."

The strong said.

Before he finished speaking, he couldn't help but laugh.

Everyone roared with laughter.

Everyone knows that this is simply impossible.

It is already the limit for a dynasty to reach this point, how can it be possible to find so many emperors to take action?

Among the crowd, Venerable Dongyang laughed most wantonly.

When he Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Itachi and Lu Buwei who were still anxiously waiting for news, his expression suddenly moved.

The next moment, got up and walked towards the two.

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