Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2780: Who dare to deceive me

"Buluo Dynasty wants to become the overlord of Eastern Xinjiang, but it must not only show its strength, but also show kindness!"

"Yes, both kindness and power are the best way."

"If the two of you have to bother about this little thing, how can I wait to agree with the imperial dynasty?

Too overbearing, not seeing is a good thing. "

Inside the Qiufeng Tower, a number of powerful people spoke.

At this time, the strong people stood on the same front tacitly, either indifferently, mocking, or threatening Itachi.

The whole scene was sharply biased towards Venerable Dongyang, in a direction that was not conducive to the two of Itachi.

Suppress the ferret!

Suppress it!

In a short time, Zhongqiang reached a consensus.

Although the Emperor Buluo Dynasty defeated the Emperor Zhenhuang, ascended to the overlord of the Eastern Frontiers, sitting on a number of emperors, behind it was the support of the heavenly giants.

However, the Buluo Dynasty is the Buluo Dynasty, and Itachi and Lu Buwei are only two quasi-emperors.

Even if Zhongqiang did not dare to suppress the two of Itachi, but it was still possible to make the two of Itachi lose face.

It can be regarded as the edge of restraining the imperial dynasty!

Many of the powerhouses present, most of them were the true biography, elders, and high-levels of the various forces in Eastern Xinjiang. They had a thorough thinking and knew that their own forces could not sit back and watch the imperial family dominate.

All forces will unite sooner or later, and the confrontation will not fall!

It is actually in the interests of all forces to join forces to persecute the two courtiers of the imperial dynasty.

of course.

In the final analysis, it was also because there were only two of Itachi, and many strong men didn't mind to suppress it.

A quasi emperor, dare to be so overbearing?


Venerable Dongyang smiled again and looked at Itachi mockingly.

Some powerhouses from other realms also watched this scene with interest.

"you guys……!"

Ferret's face became more ugly, and his chest was burning with anger.

How dare you wait!

He can also naturally see the calculations of many powerful people.

Because of this, he became even more angry!

A group of thieves are so young, how dare to calculate?


Itachi's breath fluctuated, and the flames around him also rolled endlessly, full of terrifying power.

Suzano roared and raised his katana.

"Huh? Your Excellency, do you want to disobey our kindness?"

Upon seeing this, the eyes of many strong men sank.

In the next moment, all the powerful took a step forward and released their own momentum.


In the void, Qing Lei exploded.

The billowing momentum instantly filled the entire Qiufeng Tower, shaking the sun and the moon, like a gust of wind and rain, pressing towards it.

As the sacred mountain is pressing on the top, the Tianhe is rolling down, unstoppable!


Ferret's face paled, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

With more than ten quasi emperors present, how can Itachi be the enemy?

Lu Buwei was anxious and wanted to intervene, but he was no more than a saint, so how could he intervene?

If it is a few masters, or generals here, why are you here!

Lu Buwei hated it.

Since the emperor opened up a holy place called the Space-Time Cultivation Pavilion, the cultivation base of those who have not fallen by the strongest has progressed by leaps and bounds.

Itachi is in the time and space cultivation pavilion, stepping into the quasi-emperor realm.

However, Itachi is a little bit shallow in the end, just worthy of entering the quasi-emperor realm, and was sent by the emperor to go with him to the western heaven realm.

If it were replaced by other strong people who stepped into the extreme realm of the quasi-emperor, such as Master Lu Dongbin, General Lu Bu, etc., how could these people be allowed to be presumptuous here!


Lu Buwei sighed in his heart as he looked at the struggling ferret.

The actions of Venerable Dongyang and others also made him feel uncomfortable, but he knew that they were determined to lose.

Just as Lu Buwei was about to speak to persuade Itachi, he shouted angrily and suddenly blasted the Qiufeng Tower:

"Who, dare to deceive me not to fall behind?"

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