Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2798: Bull Demon


A monstrous evil spirit echoed in the space.

This demon spirit is long and reckless, and it seems to be unpredictable, and contains extremely terrifying power.

At first, it was just a wisp of smoke.


Infinite monster energy gushes from the channel, pouring out like a big river, filling the entire system space!

There is also a lifelike ancient demon who emerged from the demon's aura, making a loud roar.

Each one is as high as billions of meters, supporting the sky and the earth!

In an instant, the demon qi in the system space filled the sky, the devil qi surged, and the demon roared like a demon domain.

The Qiantang River Dragon Lord was even more directly crushed by this demon, so he fell to his knees, unable to move.

For example, if the members of the Anbu weren't supported by Qin Yi, they would have been directly pressed into meat sauce!

"this is……?"

Qin Yi was not surprised and rejoiced, his eyes lit up.

This monster aura was so powerful that it was far more powerful than Zhu Bajie, and even he felt an unspeakable pressure.

This feeling is like facing Yang Jian at the beginning.

"Could it be that this is a giant of the heavens?"

Qin Yi was overjoyed.

If he could summon a giant of the heavens, he would make a lot of money!

There is a giant of the heavens sitting in town, not only can fill the blank left by Yang Jian, but also make the imperial dynasty invincible in the subsequent battles!

Even if the giants of Dongjiang in ancient times wake up, they are not afraid!


Just thinking about it, a long cow sound echoed.


The system space trembled, as if shaken by the sound of the cow.


A demon shadow that covered the sky and sun walked out of the passage.

If you look carefully, it is clear that he is a sturdy man with a height of more than three feet, a tall stature, and a first-born horn.

The horns are up to the sky, he wears a pair of beautiful golden armor, steps on a pair of curling boots, and holds a long black and gold stick in his hand.

A pair of eyes are like bright mirrors, reflecting the heavens and worlds.

The two eyebrows are as bright as red clouds, which seem to shatter the universe!


As soon as the man appeared, he opened his mouth and swallowed, and the endless monster energy instantly turned into a tornado and poured into his mouth.

In an instant, there was no demon spirit left in the space!

The figure of the man is also fully revealed, his horns are dark and curved, his muscles are stacked, like endless mountains overlapping.

Between gestures, terrifying power was poured out.

The body is like a mountain, and the strength is like the sky!

"it is good!"

Qin Yi stared at the bullhorn man and exclaimed.

For the identity of the bullhorn man, he already had a look, this was a terrifying existence no weaker than Monkey King and Yang Jian.

It is not a great harvest to be able to summon Him this time!

Prior to this, seven consecutive summoning of the depressed air that had missed his hand suddenly disappeared.

It's enough to have this one!


When the bullhorn man moved, he stepped out suddenly.

Just stepping on it, it seemed that the whole space trembled three times, as if it couldn't carry his vast power.

If it were for the outside world, once he stepped on it, I am afraid that even a large world could be crushed with one foot!

What is power?

This bullhorn man perfectly interprets the meaning of power.

His speed is also fast to the extreme, one step out, he has already reached three feet in front of Qin Yi.

Then, respectfully leaned over and bowed: "Chen Niu Demon King, see your Majesty.

His Majesty Wen called, the minister came from the west to fight for His Majesty, and I am willing to use this body to serve His Majesty and serve His Majesty Eagle! "

Bull Demon!

Sure enough, it was him, Qin Yi's eyes flashed a little.

Journey to the mythical world to the west, the lord of the thunder mountain, the head of the seven sages, the eldest brother of Monkey King, the bull devil!

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