Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2826: From now on, you will be my woman

"You can't get into the eyes of Young Master Bai."

Pavilion Master Sun waved his hand again and again and said modestly.

He has self-knowledge, this cultivation level may be able to rule the king and hegemony in Lingkong Island, but in front of existence such as Qin Yi, he is not enough.

Even the gods can be killed. What is the five-fold saint?

"Speaking of which, Lord Bai and I haven't seen each other for more than ten years. I don't know why this time, Lord Bai came to Tianshui City again?

If it can be useful to Sun, it will not be postponed. "

The main story of Sun Pavilion turned.

Tianshui City occupies a corner, a remote place in the realm of the emperor.

For people like Qin Yi, it is a remote country, and it is not worth his second visit.

In the view of Pavilion Master Sun, Qin Yi must have a plan here.

Of course, he didn't dare to ask for what Qin Yi was looking for. He only wanted to have a good relationship with Qin Yi.

Qin Yi raised his brows and looked at Pavilion Master Sun in surprise.

This Pavilion Master Sun is a wonderful person, who can guess his purpose.

Although, Pavilion Master Sun could not have guessed that what Qin Yi had planned was the most precious thing in the entire Emperor Treading World.

Dilu Temple Spirit!

However, his coming to Tianshui City has nothing to do with this.

"Pavilion Master Sun has been worrying too much, and there is no plot here.

If there is something to say, there is indeed one thing below, and I hope that Pavilion Master Sun can agree. "

Qin Yi put down his teacup and said.

"What do you want, Young Master Bai, even if you speak frankly, I will do my best to help!"

Grand Master Sun patted his chest, extremely bold.

"This matter is about Fairy Muxue..."

Qin Yi paused and glanced at Fairy Mu Xue beside him.

As soon as this statement came out, Fairy Mu Xue's delicate body trembled.

The girl seemed to expect something, her heart lifted up suddenly, and a blush appeared on her delicate cheeks.

Son, is this to...?

The girl turned her head in embarrassment, pretending that she hadn't heard her, but her pair of small crystal ears stood up and looked extremely nervous.

"Prince Bai, but it doesn't matter."

Pavilion Master Sun is also bright.

"Then Zai Xia will speak frankly, Xia Xia is willing to marry Fairy Mu Xue as his wife, and I hope that Pavilion Master Sun can agree!"

Qin Yi no longer hesitated.

"I do!"

As soon as Qin Yi's voice fell, Fairy Mu Xue blurted out.


As soon as she said it, Fairy Mu Xue let out another exclamation, her face blushing.

What a shame!

Mu Xue, Mu Xue, the master hadn't spoken yet, why did you speak up? This seemed so reserved.


Qin Yi and Pavilion Master Sun were taken aback for a moment, and then laughed at the same time.

This smile didn't matter, it made Fairy Mu Xue's face flush, as if water could drip out.

That panic look is simply tempting!

"It seems that our Fairy Mu Xue can't wait!"

Pavilion Master Sun even joked.


Fairy Mu Xue didn't follow the way.

People are just afraid that Young Master Bai will disappear again, afraid that all this is a dream, afraid that he will wake up.

In fact, even now, Fairy Mu Xue still felt that everything that happened at this moment was a dream.


This dream is so beautiful.

Even if it is a dream, she is willing to sink into this dream!

"Silly Nizi!"

Qin Yi seemed to understand Fairy Mu Xue's thoughts, and came to her, reaching for Fairy Mu Xue's chin.

"All this is not a dream, remember, you will be my woman in the future!"

The overbearing declaration is even more reassuring at this time!


Fairy Mu Xue nodded heavily, and a bright smile like the sun bloomed on her face.

From now on, I will be your woman!

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