Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2845: One punch, ten thousand thoughts


The radiant energy and blood spread out in the void.

In an instant, the sky was illuminated for thousands of miles. At that moment, all the creatures in the stepped emperor realm only felt that the sky and the earth had lost their original color.

Only a touch of gold fills the sun and the moon, and stains the frosty sky!

With the current physique of Qin Yi's clone, the immortal golden body stepped into the realm of near Dzogchen, with the strength of blood and energy, it topped the eastern frontier.

As soon as it is released, it is like the vast sky and vast sky.

The next moment, Qin Yi bowed.

Open the boxing frame.

Close the fist.



With a fist, Qin Yi rushed straight towards the emperor's frightened expression.

The power of terror spread, and the endless void burst.

Large cracks in the dark space meander for thousands of miles, and the whole world seems to be completely shattered.

The ultimate strength, great broken!


The Misty Great Emperor's pupils shrank, and his expression changed drastically.

The power that Qin Yi showed at this moment already possessed the slightest possibility of breaking the entire emperor world.

This is stepping on the emperor world!

Carrying the world of emperor road, the world of stepping emperor is valued by Tianzun.

In today's Eastern Frontier, there is no one on the bright side, a world larger than that of the Emperor Realm.

Worlds such as the Great World of the True Phoenix and the Great World of the Beginning are not as good as stepping into the emperor world!

The strength of the world complements the strong in the world.

Like the Tianyao Continent, with the strength of Qin Yi and others, the Tianyao Continent has also benefited greatly, the world's origin is nourished, and the laws in the world have become extremely strong.

In the original Tianyao Continent, the saint's power can shake the space at will, destroying a million miles of void in one blow.

Nowadays, the saint is capable of a full blow, but it can only break a radius of thousands of miles.

And the stepped emperor world carried more than ten emperors, even if these emperors can only be regarded as pseudo-emperors, they are still extremely terrifying.

The firmness of the space far exceeds that of most large worlds.

Qin Yi's punch shook the entire world of stepping on the emperor, how terrifying.

"It's impossible for you to kill me!"

After all is the emperor who has enlightened for several epochs, the ethereal emperor quickly calms down, his eyes are sharp, and his mouth is violent.

Under the shock of his will, his voice resounded throughout the world, and the endless void was trembling, showing its tyrannical power.

With a move of the Great Emperor's body, his right arm was raised, and against Qin Yi's mighty fist, he blasted out the same punch.


This punch looks exceptionally unremarkable.

A simple straight punch contains unmatched strength, thousands of changes, and thousands of different punches.

Every kind of fist intent is no less than the strong fist intent that a quasi emperor has condensed through his life.

At this moment, under the dominion of the Misty Emperor, they converge, merge, and transform into a more powerful force.


In the void, there seemed to be a stalwart voice.

Terrible fist, overwhelming, surging!

Even the Bull Demon King, who had never cared about it, gave a soft voice, staring at the Misty Emperor.

"Miscellaneous but not precise, vulnerable!"

Soon, he quickly lost interest.

However, in the eyes of the Bull Demon King, this punch was vulnerable, but in Qin Yi's eyes, it made him shine.

For several epochs, the Misty Great Emperor enlightened him, and he himself was also a treasure of the heavens.

However, limited by the environment of stepping on the emperor realm, his own laws are incomplete and unable to step into a higher realm.

Fortunately, the Misty Great Emperor found another way, practiced thousands of boxing techniques, comprehended countless kinds of boxing intent, and then unified his own realm to finally complete this boxing.

One punch, please do!

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