Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2847: Shura's disdain


A phantom shrouded in endless divine light stood still.

The breath of each phantom is extremely magnificent, and the vast coercion sweeps the void and shakes the universe.

Countless laws shake and evolve countless visions.

Or the sun hangs in the air, or the gods hang in the air, or the magic flames are in the air...

If there is a god, you will be able to see this void, and your heart will be shaken. Each of these ghosts is an emperor!

Emperor Huanggu, Emperor Yunyan, Emperor Shura, Emperor Xuanlong...

In the emperor stepping world, except for the fallen Emperor Zhenhai and the ethereal emperor, all the other emperors are here.

"Damn it, this'Bai Jing' shouldn't stay in the Eastern Frontier, and ran to the Emperor's Realm. What did he want to do?"

A stalwart figure dressed in azure light, said.

The words were full of fear of Qin Yi.

This one is the Emperor Tianfeng.

The fear of Qin Yi is the deepest among the many emperors present.

Ten years ago, in front of Chengdi Mountain, the Great Emperor Zhenhai, who was almost the same in his cultivation, died because of this "Bai Jing".

Although it was not the Emperor Zhenhai who was killed by "Bai Jing" himself, Emperor Zhenhai was also shot and killed by the arrow Emperor who followed "Bai Jing".

Even Lord Qingtian failed to save Zhenhai.

That time was also the closest to death since he stepped into the Emperor Realm!

This time, "Bai Jing" reappears, how can he not be frightened?

Fortunately, his divine mind scanned the four directions, and did not find the figure of the arrow emperor, only seeing the breath is comparable to the figure of the new emperor.

Emperor Tianfeng, this is a lot of peace of mind.

"But just this "Bai Jing" alone is also a big trouble!"

Emperor Tianfeng looked gloomy.

The "Bai Jing" who holds the most powerful imperial weapon is absolutely qualified to threaten his life. He has a clear understanding of this.

"For the first time to enter the emperor, even if you have an emperor, why should you be so jealous?"

At this time, a tiger-backed and bear-waisted existence was poured out like divine gold, and he gave a cold snort, seemingly dissatisfied.

Emperor Tianfeng couldn't help but look at this existence, with fear in his eyes.

Shura the Great.

Known for fighting battles, his combat power ranks among the top three among many emperors.

This emperor, unlike his emperors who were trapped in the first realm, is said to have entered the second realm.

The combat power is not weaker than the imperfect emperor of the second stage!


Emperor Tianfeng cursed secretly in his heart.

This Shura emperor was a typical martial idiot, ecstatic in his cultivation. On that day, when the Dilu World was opened, he was in retreat.

Therefore, Shura the Great never met with "Bai Jing", nor did he particularly care about "Bai Jing".

Even in the Eastern Frontier, it was said that when "Bai Jing" entered the emperor, he had resisted many rumors of the emperor, and it was also scornful.

"Absurd, a person who is a newcomer to the emperor can resist several old emperors and second-level emperors?

The joke must be bragged by people in the Eastern Frontier. "

Shura the Great once commented.

Logically speaking, what Shura the Great said is not wrong.

If it hadn’t been for Tianfeng Great that had faced'Bai Jing' directly, and when'Bai Jing' triggered the emperor's robbery, his divine mind clone happened to be there, and he had watched the whole process of'Bai Jing' through the robbery from a distance, and he said that he would not necessarily be too. Believe in the words of Emperor Shura.

However, when "Bai Jing" crossed the catastrophe, he still vividly remembered the cruel appearance.

Take the emperor as medicine, refine the emperor pill!

One emperor, eleven emperors’ divine mind clones, all were suppressed by "Bai Jing" and trained into an emperor pill.

How can he stop these cruel people?

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