Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2850: The main body of the illusory emperor, the ape


The misty emperor's brows are full of anger.

Qin Yi's attitude made his heart burst into flames.

In his eyes, Qin Yi is just like Emperor Shura, a lunatic, a lunatic without reason!

This is not a good thing at all, but it must be persistent.

Even if he reveals his own cards in an attempt to shock him, and puts a low posture to send out the Golden Flame God General, it won't make any difference.

"Bai Jing, it's enough, don't be aggressive!"

The ethereal emperor's eyes were indifferent, and his heart was extremely stunned.

When he was forced to such a point, he could not wait to kill Qin Yizhen, but he could only suppress the killing intent in his heart.

"What about forcing you?"

Qin Yi sneered, not paying attention to the words of the Misty Great Emperor.


Qin Yi moved his wrist lightly, his whole body was blooming, and the acupuncture points all over his body were glowing with light.

Just like ancient stars, countless as vast as a galaxy!

A deity at the acupoint acupuncture point sits cross-legged on the ancient star, chanting in a low voice.

Like the aura of the sea like a sea, surging in the void, Qin Yi was like an invincible **** king.

Shawl, I am invincible!

"Stop talking nonsense, today, I must kill you!"

While talking, Qin Yi punched in the air again, hitting the Misty Emperor.


The heavens and the earth roared, and countless qi and blood gushed from the acupuncture point and merged into Qin Yi's punch, which was like a galaxy falling down.

The surging power was overwhelming towards the Misty Emperor.

"Roar! You forced me!"

The Misty Emperor's eyes reddened and he let out a roar.

With a flick of his body, the Misty Emperor turned into an ape with a pointed mouth and dark golden hair.

"Vaguely, was this kid forced to this point?"

In the depths of the void, Shura the Great gave a startled suspicion.

The appearance of this ape is the essence of the Misty Great Emperor.

The ethereal emperor's body is an empty ghost ape. In terms of blood, he can be regarded as a member of the clan of gods and beasts.

This family is known for controlling space, and is especially good at space.

The Great Emperor Misunderstood since stepping into the emperor realm, pretending to be a god, and didn't like the appearance of his own body, and rarely showed his body. The Great Emperor Shura also accidentally knew that the body of the Misty Great was a clan of the apes.

At this time, the Misty Great Emperor showed his body, which was also an expression of being forced to the extreme by Qin Yi!

"Bai Jing, you forced me to this point, and this emperor will tear you up alive!"

"No, this emperor will extract your soul and burn it for thousands of years with the Nine Nether Demon Flame to vent my hatred!"

After the main body appeared, the Misty Great Emperor no longer lost his previous majestic and stalwart appearance, and even his voice became sharp and harsh.

"These words, when you defeat me, it will not be too late!"

Qin Yi chuckled and dismissed it.


Between words, Qin Yi's hand movements are not slow.

The blood boiled, and the silver hair danced wildly, like a supreme **** stepped on from nine days, waving the will of heaven.

A punch is the will of heaven, and when a punch is blasted, the universe is shaking!


The Misty Emperor also broke out with a shocking murderous intent, his figure like a ghost, trampling through the void.

Qin Yi's fist was unable to lock him, and lost the trace of the Misty Emperor.

What is ethereal?

The body is like a shadow, and the body is like a charm, which is ethereal.

The emperor Misty was able to use Misty as his name, that is, relying on this hand to comprehend the space together, his body was vague.

Even the general emperor could not lock his figure, and could not even guard against his sneak attack, which was extremely terrifying.

This is the true strength of the Misty Great!

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