Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2885: Lord of Heaven, Lord


The great elder of Lianqingzong also noticed the strangeness of Fairy Miao Yao, his heart jumped, as if thinking of something.

Before he could take any action, there were loud sounds of heaven in the sky.

Endless purple light swayed, rising from the distant sky, piercing thousands of miles in an instant, and falling into the Lianqing Mountain.


The mighty and supreme momentum envelops the whole mountain of Lian Qing in an instant.

The imperial qi is surging for thousands of miles, and the purple qi is shining hundreds of millions of feet!

that moment.

Lianqing Mountain, and even the countless creatures of Emperor Luo Tianyu, were all shocked, all raising their eyes to the sky.

"this is?"

"The purple gas is coming to the east, is this the emperor going on tour?"

"There is an emperor who is coming to the emperor's land, which emperor is it?"

There are countless strong men in the emperor's universe, but they don't know why.

The war between foreign emperors and many emperors in the emperor world has just ended, and many emperors in the emperor world have been defeated.

Under this circumstance, which emperor would dare to put on such a big battle and descend into the emperor's land with great fanfare?

"No, one can."

Some strong people seemed to think of something, and exclaimed.

The hearts of many powerful people were shocked, and they suddenly understood.

For a while, he was speechless.



The countless disciples of Lianqingzong have already knelt to the ground.

In the courtyard, the Great Elder and the Fifth Elder of Lianqingzong stared blankly at the sky.

I saw the endless purple light flowing down above the mighty sky, turning into a bright purple light avenue across the void.

On the avenue.

A dimly stalwart figure stood at the forefront.

Everyone looked at this figure, like an ant looking up at the sky, and the worm staring at the bright moon, only feeling that he was small and not worth mentioning.

Around the figure, there were sky flowers falling in disorder, the sound of the sky, the dragon and phoenix and the sound, ray of divine light fell, shining in all directions.

Behind the figure, a god-like existence stood in the void, closely following the figure.

The pupils of the great elder of Lianqingzong shrank suddenly to the size of an eye, and in that deity-like existence, he saw a very familiar existence.

The ruler of the emperor's heaven, the Great Emperor Wanfa!

At this moment, the Great Emperor Wanfa lowered his eyebrows and followed the figure step by step.

And the existence that allows an emperor to follow carefully, his identity is naturally self-evident.

"That foreign emperor, no, God!"

The elder of Lianqingzong trembled and roared wildly in his heart.

What is God?

The ruler of heaven, the ruler of the emperor world, is God!

Only the existence that governs the entire Dadi realm and controls all the authority in the Dadi realm can be called God.

At one time, Qingtian was the **** who stepped on the emperor realm.

Today, this identity belongs to the one who defeated many emperors in the emperor world and forced them to submit.

"God! God!"

"We, have seen God!"

The Great Elder and the Fifth Elder of Lianqingzong squatted on the ground with their heads deeply buried on the ground, shouting.

At this time, if he does not know the person who spoke just now, it is the existence of the first ascended God.

Then he is a fool!


Purple light runs through the void and falls over the courtyard.

Qin Yi stepped on the purple light in the sky, opened his eyebrows and closed his eyes, and saw all the conditions in the courtyard.

He also easily learned the whole story from the minds of the two elders of the Refining Sect.

His eyes fell on the elder of Lianqingzong, and his tone was indifferent:

"Miao Yao, as my maid, can you convict you?"

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