Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2893: Tianzun, Da Luo


The words of Dilu Temple Spirit echoed in the void.

Before stepping on Emperor Mountain, there was a dead silence.

If it is said that the combat power of many emperors against the Dilu Temple Spirit before, it is like watching flowers in a mist.

So now, hearing the words of Emperor Lu Temple Spirit gave the emperors the most intuitive impression.

Kill 30,000 emperors in town.

There are more than thirty giants of the heavens, including two emperors of the eighth stage and one emperor of the ninth stage.

What a terrifying record!

Every giant of the heavens is a dominant overlord, surpassing the long river of years, and shining with the heavens.

Holding Daqian, almost like a bullet!

Even many emperors, in front of a giant of the heavens, is just a slightly larger ant.

And this kind of powerful existence, Dilu Temple spirit kills like a chicken, it is terrifying to the extreme.

Many emperors did not doubt the words of the Dilu Temple Spirit. The Dilu Temple Spirit was an emperor tool made by Tianzun, and it was reasonable to possess such powers.

"The seventh stage emperor, the eighth stage emperor, the ninth stage emperor..."

Qin Yi's eyes condensed and whispered softly.

Tianzun might be awe-inspiring.

The existence under the heavenly sovereign and the existence above the heavenly one has long been different from beings at the same level, and the essence is already different.

If we say that the Saint Realm completes the first life transition.

Great Emperor Realm, the second life transition.

And the practitioners of the heavens and all realms, stepping into the heavenly realm, are completing the third life transition and becoming a new life level.

In the ancient mythology, Tianzun realm is also called Daluo.

Da Luozhe, all time and space, eternal freedom!

Among the heavens and ten thousand realms, Tianzun can even occupy one, as the source of one, in charge of the great power.

For the existence under the heavenly sovereign, it seems to be everywhere, traveling between the heavens and the world, immortal and immortal.

The Tao is there!

Even a little thing escaping from his fingertips can be called earth-shaking.

The Dilu Temple Spirit is an imperial weapon left by the Seven Prisons Heavenly Sovereign, and has followed the Seven Prison Heavenly Sovereigns to fight for countless years.

It is natural to have this record.

"However, these achievements are all the achievements made by Tianzun in charge of you and urged by Tianzun's mighty power.

Now that Tianzun has gone, can you still explode such power by yourself? "

Qin Yi smiled lightly.

The imperial weapons of the heavens and the world are so powerful that they are cast with emperor soldiers and gods.

Of course.

The imperial soldier **** wants to fully awaken and explode the full power of the imperial soldier, but also needs huge energy to urge.

Such as the eternal fairy furnace, it can be completely awakened by the giants of the heavens!

Dilu Temple Spirit, the same is true.

After the Dilu Temple Spirit appeared, Qin Yi also discovered that although the Dilu Temple Spirit was not the Heavenly Sovereign Tool he had guessed, it was also the top-tier imperial tool, that is, the Quasi-Tianzun Tool.

The quasi-tianzun device can theoretically explode the power comparable to the quasi-tianzun, but it needs to be urged by the existence above the pinnacle.

If it is unmanned and awakens autonomously, its explosive power will not reach its peak.

"Damn it!"

Qin Yi's words caused all the emperors present to be taken aback, and their expressions suddenly changed.

All the emperors are naturally also aware of the characteristics of the emperor gods.

However, a quasi-celestial weapon, even if it cannot explode all its power, it is extremely terrifying.

It was also extremely easy to slaughter the emperors of the lower three realms, and even the emperors of the middle three realms.

'Bai Jing' even dared to speak out in front of Dilu Temple Spirit?

Isn't this looking for death?

Sure enough, Dilu Temple Ling suddenly became angry.

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