Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2924: Two treasures


Humanity ancestor characters hung behind Cangjie.

Strands of fairy light hang down from the ancestral characters, exuding infinite doctrines and principles, causing the laws of the heavens to roar.

A word of ‘sha’, if there is a world of evil spirits, countless demon gods evolved from evil spirits roar with it!

A "dragon" character, like a real dragon, travels too imaginary!

The word ‘thunder’ transforms the sea of ​​thunder, a world of thunder, and all kinds of thunder are surging endlessly!


"This is the most precious treasure, why this seat has never heard of it, no, not only this seat, the sir...The Seven Prisons Heavenly Sovereign should have never heard of it either."

The spirit of Dilu Temple is puzzled.

These ancestors of humanity may not be as good as the words of the heavens.

However, there are more than one or two humanity ancestors in front of you?

This is three thousand!

The number of three thousand corresponds to the three thousand avenues of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

Well, among these...


Dilu Hall's spiritual eyes moved, and he couldn't help looking at one of the three thousand human ancestor characters.

When he saw what he wanted to see, Dilu Temple Ling's eyes suddenly brightened.


At the same time, Dilu Temple Spirit took a right hand, and his palm suddenly burst out with dazzling light, which was extremely dazzling.

These lights converge like stars, as if to outline something.

When Qin Yi and others looked at it, they only felt that the vast, distant, and indescribable aura rushed toward their faces instantly!


In the void, a avenue shook the sky, as if it resonated with the things in the palm of the Dilu Temple.


Even, one by one, the phantoms of the gods exuding the majestic atmosphere were discovered in the void.

Heavenly swords cross the sky, and the sword energy is across the three thousand worlds!

The gods of the world, the bells ring, all worlds move!

Spread the magic map, construct the Nine Nether Abyss, the image of the demon **** fighting!


Pieces of imperial soldiers, even quasi-tianzun weapons and heavenly weapons, emerged from the avenue, shaking the sun and the moon.


The light in the hands of the Dilu Temple Spirit gradually solidified.

Like the king of God, writing forever!

One tick, one touch, one touch.

A word slowly appeared in the hands of Dilu Temple Spirit.

The font of this character is a font widely circulated in the heavens and worlds, and everyone recognizes it at a glance.


The treasure of treasure, the treasure of treasure, the treasure of genius and earth.


At the moment when the word "bao" appeared, Cangjie's spirit was shaken, and the three thousand characters behind him were also shaken together.

One ancestral character shines brightly, overwhelming other ancestral characters.

That ancestral character is also the character "bao"!


The two ‘bao’ characters kept roaring, stimulating the laws of the heavens, as if they were communicating and colliding with each other.

Dilu Dianling and Cangjie looked at the two different shapes but similar meanings of the word'bao' with surprise on their faces.

The joy of the Dilu Temple is that the two characters of ‘bao’ are constantly escaping insights between the exchanges and collisions.

If he could calm down and turn these insights into his own use, he might be able to go one step further on the path of heaven!

What Cangjie was pleased was that he finally got to see this universe, which represents the words of the Great Dao.

Different from the human ancestor characters, it is another kind of writing.

The two are similar and more different.

The ancestor of humanity is a condensed of the insights of the powerful humans on the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

And the words of the heavens are the direct manifestation of the heavens!

At the level of rank, the words of the Tao of the heavens are higher than the words of the ancestor of the human Tao, but it is not that the words of the ancestor of the human Tao are weaker than the words of the Tao of the heavens.

After all, the ancestor of humanity in Cangjie's hand has not fully awakened.

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