Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2933: Man's plan

"A giant in the Eighth Realm?"

The man whispered.

If it is a giant in the seventh realm, he still has no fear.

But if he were to be an eighth-level giant, he couldn't wait to take it lightly, even in the eastern frontier of the ancient times, there were very few eighth-level giants.

For a long time, the five realms respect the central realm, and the strength of the eastern realm can only be ranked at the bottom.

Needless to say, in the central realm, there are not a few heavenly dynasties and eternal holy places.

In several other realms, some of them also have the gods of the heavens or the holy places of eternal standing, and no matter how bad they are, there are quasi-tians.

And what about the Eastern Frontier?

Even in the Eastern Frontier of the ancient times, a giant of the heavens in the seventh realm has already stood on top of the Eastern Frontier!

A giant in the eighth realm can dominate among the giants, such as this man is a giant in the eighth realm.

"Could it be an old guy who awakened from the road closure in advance?"

The man frowned.

This situation is not impossible. If you leave behind in advance, you may not be awakened in advance.

Like him, the reason why he can wake up so quickly is because he once landed on Taoist Xingyue.

"However, the breath of this old guy is a little strange."

"Daojun Biluo? It's not like..."

"Emperor Richen? It's not like..."

"Longevity Daoist? It's too unlike..."

The man stroked the black dragon in his arms while thinking.

The black dragon's heart tightened, and his breathing slowed down.

This black dragon knew that when his master was meditating, it was the time when he could not be disturbed the most.

There was once a disciple under the master's school, who interrupted the master's contemplation and was slapped to death by the master's palm, and their souls and bodies were all turned into ashes!

Since then, the black dragon has never dared to disturb the master's contemplation.

Daoist Xingyue and others on the side seemed to be aware of it, and did not dare to offend and disturb the man, and the hall fell into a dead silence for a while.

It takes a long time for the man to wake up in contemplation.

"That breath and the existence in the memory of the deity, no one can match it, it is probably disguised.

Forget it, guess it anyway, just those few people. "

The man thought impatiently.

In the Eastern Frontier of the ancient times, there were only a few giants of the Eighth Stage.

Not this one, or that one.

"Since that old guy doesn't want to reveal his identity, the deity doesn't bother to go to the roots. It's safest to restore his own cultivation earlier."

The corner of the man's mouth curled.

Say a thousand words and ten thousand, only strength is true!

If you have strength, why are you afraid of others?

In the final analysis, the coming great world of East Xinjiang will be a magnificent era. If you want to survive in this great world, you must have strong strength.

If he could take advantage of the east wind of the great world, he might not be able to ascend the position of the Lord of Eastern Frontiers.

This lord of Eastern Xinjiang was not the so-called overlord of Eastern Xinjiang, the imperial dynasty, Zhenhuang Emperor.

It is the real master of Eastern Xinjiang!

The supreme master of the entire eastern frontier!

"If you can become the Lord of Eastern Frontiers, the deity might not be able to use the general trend to break through the realm of the quasi-tianzun and even the deity!"

The man's eyes skyrocketed.

With the entire eastern frontier, offering one's own body and increasing the general trend, the journey of practice will inevitably be bright.

This kind of general trend, even the so-called treasure of the heavens, the word of the heavens, cannot compare!

"As for who does not fall behind the dynasty, who is the giant, let others test it.

The old guy Richen, with a hegemonic heart, is thinking of unifying the eastern frontiers. That Buluohuang Dynasty is now the overlord of the eastern frontiers, it must be his thorny eye!

This old guy is also impatient, and it is estimated that he will shoot soon. "

"In this way, the deity will take advantage of the fisherman."

The man joked.

With a movement of his eyes, he seemed to have crossed countless chaotic roads and looked at a place deep in the chaos.


A round like a big sun, slowly waking up!

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