Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2940: Weakness is the original sin


Prince Richen looked calm, with a faint smile on his mouth:

"Your emperor, the cultivation base can't be in the lower three realms. This prince has already set foot in the fifth realm two hundred years ago."

"Strength determines status. This prince is far stronger than your emperor, why can't you call it a waste?"

The heavens and all realms are superior to each other by strength.

The stronger the strength, the higher the status of nature.

If you are an emperor, you can establish an emperor's religion in the eastern frontier to rule the roost!

However, a quasi-emperor in the eastern frontier can only stay in a corner, unable to truly dominate a party.

Prince Richen not only has a strong background, but his cultivation base is also stronger than Qin Yi. In the eyes of Prince Richen, this is not a problem.


Han Xinsan was trembling with emotion and his eyes were red, wishing to tear Prince Richen to pieces.

You humiliate the minister!

The majesty of the emperor is something they must maintain throughout their entire lives.

Even if he gave up his life, he can't retreat!

It's just that the three Han Xin were seriously injured in the end, and they were even left behind. They were inexhaustible, and they were unable to suppress the injuries in the body.

What's more, how about shooting against Prince Richen?

"If you are weak, you should recognize your own status. You are weak, and your emperor is also weak."

"This is the truth!"

Prince Richen shook his head and chuckled.

Being weak is the original sin!

This is the truth that He has been aware of for countless years of practice.

If the giants of the heavens were in front of him, he would bow his head and dare not have any presumption, let alone offend him easily.


If it's just Han Xin and others, or what does not fall to the emperor Qin Yi, what fear does he have?

As for the giants of the heavens behind the Buluo Dynasty.

He still regards them as ants, not to mention the giants of the heavens?

In the eyes of the giants of the heavens, I am afraid that Han Xin and others are just chess pieces that can be discarded at will.

As long as you don't kill Han Xin and others, how can the giant of the heavens attack him?

Even if the giants of the heavens were angry because of his actions, his father and the emperor resisted. Therefore, he acted more domineering.

"Well, your emperor hasn't even appeared yet?"

Prince Richen retracted his gaze and raised his eyes to look at the depths of Tianyao Continent.

Then, he sighed slightly: "Well, since your emperor is unwilling to show up here, the prince has lifted the world to see if he shows up!"

Prince Richen's eyes lit up, and there seemed to be thunder passing by.


next moment.

The entire Tianyao Continent trembled suddenly.

A vast breath escapes, filling the world!

A wisp of ink emerges from the void, like a **** swinging an animated pen, drawing out a great crowd with pen and ink.

Thousands of mountains and rivers, terraced rice paddies crisscross.

Mountains, cities, and countless creatures, all gathered in these few inks.

"This...this is..."

Countless strong people who did not fall looked at the sky, surprised.

They were inexplicably familiar with this scene in the sky.

Where do they seem to have met?

"Mountain and river map, no, this is a mountain and river gossip array!"

One who does not fall to the strong, suddenly his pupils shrink and lose his voice.

Isn't the scene in the sky the same as the scene when the Eight Diagrams Array of Mountains and Rivers is mobilized?

This is how the same thing?

"Damn it!"

Han Xin's trio were sullen and gritted their teeth.

They sensed the changes in the Eight Diagrams Array in the mountains and rivers, and they rushed to this place, wanting to suppress Prince Richen.

Unexpectedly, let him succeed and control the mountain and river gossip array!

"This prince has followed my father in practicing the Richen Emperor Sutra since he was a child, but if he talks about the strongest way, it is a formation."

Prince Richen looked at the three Han Xin and smiled lightly.

While talking, the mountains and rivers in the sky became more and more bright, as if they were about to fall in the sky!

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