Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2947: What do you think of killing you

"What an imperial weapon."

Emperor Richen looked at the eternal immortal furnace and couldn't help saying.

From his perspective, it is natural to see that Eternal Immortal Furnace is of extremely high rank, and it is the top rank among high-rank imperial artifacts.

Even He was eager and wanted to take it away.

However, He did not do anything after all.

As a result, fear not falling behind the giant behind the dynasty.

Secondly, no matter what method Qin Yi used to fully awaken the Eternal Immortal Furnace, the power of the Eternal Immortal Furnace was real.

As he said before, Qin Yi, who holds the eternal immortal furnace in his hand, already has the qualifications to be peers with him!

Otherwise, how could he be so peaceful with his haughty personality?

"The dog is stubborn. There was a lot of offense just now. This emperor is here to accompany Emperor Qin first."

Emperor Richen said with a faint smile.

"Niezi, you have to enter the fifth realm in the three hundred eras of cultivation. He thinks he is superior. Now I know that there are people outside the world, and there is a heaven outside the sky?

Didn't you quickly admit your mistake and apologize to Emperor Qin? "

Emperor Richen looked at Prince Richen and yelled at him.

Prince Richen lowered his head, his eyes unwilling.

The prince of the Richen Emperor, has never been so wronged, and where is he willing to bow his head to admit his mistakes to Qin Yi.

"Niezi, you...!"

Emperor Richen's voice sank, seeming to be furious.

Prince Richen said nothing, but lowered his head.

"Oh, the dog is stubborn, which makes Emperor Qin laugh. What's more, Emperor Qin is the lord of one dynasty. There are a lot of adults, how can you be as knowledgeable as the dog."

The Great Emperor Richen sighed, his tone was rather helpless, as if he was distressed for his own heirs.

"Well, this emperor offers a middle-grade chaotic rough stone spiritual vein, worth three million chaotic rough stones, which can be regarded as an accompanying gift for this emperor.

I don’t know the Emperor Qin, what do you think? "

Emperor Richen said with a smile.

Many emperors who cast their divine minds couldn't help taking a breath after hearing the words.

Chaos original stone spirit vein!

This is a good thing. If you can get the chaotic original stone spirit vein, you can build a heaven and blessed land that is of great benefit to the emperor.

Not to mention, a middle-grade chaotic original stone spirit vein!

"how about?"

These words made Qin Yi's eyes squinted slightly, and the cold glow of his eyes flowed, and it was as cold as the cold current of the Nine Nether Cold Abyss.

What a Richen Great Emperor, what an ancient giant!

Worthy of being an old guy who has survived from ancient times to the present.

In the words, it seems to be raising me, but in fact, I want to make it difficult for me to ride a tiger and be restricted by my own identity.

In just a few words, I sang a harmony with Prince Richen, and even removed the responsibility of Prince Richen completely.

After the uproar in my Tianyao continent, I didn't even have a word of apology, so I wanted to end it?

Just want to end a middle-grade chaotic original stone spirit vein?

Then I will kill the Prince Richen and give you a middle-grade chaotic original stone spiritual vein. What do you think?


next moment.

Qin Yi raised his eyes, and the Eternal Immortal Furnace shook loudly and resounded through the sky.

Strands of **** patterns emerge from the tripod body, blooming infinite divine brilliance, and falling down countless bright fairy lights, shaking the universe.

The splendor flows freely, and the fairy light illuminates the eternity!

The power of terror, along with the sound waves, broke the imprisonment of Emperor Richen, and also broke the void.

Even the endless stars lingering all over the body of Emperor Richen!

With a sound of the ding, the endless galaxy is full of smoke!

Then, he even shattered the physical body of Prince Richen, including his soul, and splashed blood.

At that time, the world was dead silent.

The smile of Emperor Richen also froze fiercely on his face.

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