Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2988: Rushing


Before the valley.

The audience was silent.

The powerful people who came with the red robe man were startled, and stared at Qin Yi without turning their eyes.

"How can this be?"

Everyone looked incredible.

In their eyes, Qin Yi was just an unknown junior who came out of nowhere.

The life fluctuation is so young, it is only the new generation of a sect or family who is backed by the huge resources of a family, and the path of cultivation is smooth, without any setbacks.

Such existences are countless in the Seven Prisons World.

For countless years, they have seen too many such existences, which seem to be dazzling, but in fact they are among the gold and jade, but they are in it.

The cultivation base may be very high, but how much can it show?

Most people know how strong a strong man is.

Except for the man in the red robe, everyone present should be respected by the brawny. They have already reached the pinnacle of the quasi emperor in one body.

They didn't expect that Qin Yi could seriously injure the strong man.

Even they didn't even see how Qin Yi made the move!

"Mentalized soldiers?"

The man in the red robe condensed his eyes, seeming a little surprised.

With his eyesight, he could see at a glance that Qin Yi's sword light just now was not a real thing, but a condensed divine mind.

He was also shocked by the vast divine consciousness of that shocking glance.

"Damn junior, how dare you hurt me?"

The burly man clutched his broken right arm, his mouth roared again and again, his eyes were full of horror from the rest of his life.

His heart trembled, and the blow just now almost made him fall, and death almost passed him by.

The monstrous anger gushed from his heart.


Qin Yi raised his eyebrows, and his deep gaze fell on the strong man.


The clamor of the brawny man stopped abruptly, as if someone was strangling his throat, and he couldn't say anything behind him.


For an instant, he seemed to see the billowing murderous aura coming up like angry waves.

A strong sense of fear extinguished the anger in his heart, and his whole body, even his soul, seemed to be frozen!

This feeling is like if a great ancient beast exhaled at him face to face, his murderous intent made him dare not move.


At this moment, the man in the red robe finally moved, stepping out and blocking in front of the strong man.

Without seeing his actions, Qin Yi's killing intent was eliminated.

"This friend, you passed!"

The red-robed man's face was sinking like water, and his brows were raised and his eyes slightly fluctuated.

Hitting the dog depends on the owner!

The strong man was his servant, and Qin Yi severely injured the strong man in front of him, which meant he was losing face.

How can he not be angry?

As for Qin Yi's strength, although he was surprised, he never cared.

Still the same sentence, in this secret realm, there are only a few contemporary evildoers in Qingmingzhou, which deserves his attention.

Otherwise, they are all ants!

Qin Yi said nothing, his eyes were neither sad nor happy, as if he hadn't heard the words of the man in the red robe.


The red robe man's eyes sank, revealing a touch of coldness.

Killing intent slowly condenses.

"Hahaha! Xue Hongdao, I haven't seen you shriveled for a long time.

Interesting, really interesting! "

At this moment, a clear laugh suddenly sounded, from left to right, as if coming from the depths of the void.

The banter and mockery in the words are completely undisguised.

Hearing this, the red-robed man's face became more ugly, and he said coldly:

"Song Qianjun, there is nothing to do with you here, hurry up and get out of my son!"

"Hahaha, strange treasures are born, and the virtuous people live there, Xue Hongdao, are you too domineering?"

The laughter didn't care, getting closer.

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