Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 2999: Five Phoenix Medicine

Colorful Xiaguang shading the sky.

Secret realm shakes.

In the Beihe Secret Realm, there are colorful clouds that illuminate the sky and the earth, and a phoenix vision in the clouds swims between the sky and the earth.

The vastness of the vision can be seen throughout the secret realm.

Not long after, the cause of this phoenix vision was also seen through by the powerful.

This is the vision of the birth of the Five Phoenix Medicine!

What is the magic drug?

The heavenly materials and earth treasures that have reached the imperial rank can be called miraculous medicines. They are the world's top peerless elixir with powerful energy.

The five phoenix miraculous medicine is also top-grade in the middle-ranked emperor product.

A five phoenix magical medicine is enough to be worth dozens of imperial grade low-level magical medicines, and even wins.

As soon as this news came out, the experts in the entire Beihe Secret Realm moved on hearing the wind and rushed to the place where the Five Phoenix Medicine was born.

"Five Phoenix Medicine!"

"Unexpectedly, there is such a magical medicine in Beihe Secret Realm!"

"It is said that the five phoenix divine medicine can increase the chance of a quasi emperor breaking through the emperor realm by 30 to 40%."

Countless strong people discuss it.

How difficult it is for the emperor to break through the imperial realm, ten deaths and nine lives.

First buckle the emperor pass, and then go through the emperor thunder robbery, and bathe in the thunder without dying, and finally can climb above the emperor realm.

Even the peerless Tianjiao didn't dare to say that he was 100% sure that he could set foot on the emperor realm.

However, the five phoenix divine medicine can increase the chance of becoming an emperor by 30 to 40%. What a powerful effect this is.

The five phoenix magic medicine is named after the phoenix and possesses the characteristics of the phoenix.

The quasi-emperor swallowed it, able to possess the supernatural power of Phoenix Nirvana within a certain period of time, but in the case of frequent deaths from severe injuries, reversing the injury and returning to the peak is equivalent to one more life.

With ‘this life’, are you afraid that you won’t be able to survive thunder?

So, how can the strong in Beihe Secret Realm not be mad?

"There are five phoenix miraculous medicines in the Beihe Secret Realm, and it should be my possession!"

The arrogances of the heavens are scorching hot, and their hearts are moved.


More and more powerful men rushed to the red sun cave where the five phoenix divine medicine was present.

Qin Yi and the longevity goddess were among them.

"The Seven Prisons World is worthy of being opened up by Tianzun. There are many opportunities and various treasures are emerging in endlessly.

Unexpectedly, in a small secret realm, there are magical medicines like the Five Phoenix Medicine. "

Qin Yi was surprised.

Looking at the heavens and all realms, the five phoenix magic medicines are rare.

Every kind of magic medicine that can increase the chance of becoming an emperor is rare in the heavens and all realms, at least one of the few in the eastern frontier.

Not to mention, the five phoenix magic medicine that can increase the chance of becoming an emperor!

Searching all over the eastern frontier, you may not find a single plant. It can be said that this is the magic medicine Zhunhuang most hopes to get.

Even, it has great attraction to the emperor.

Through the five phoenix magical medicine, the emperor can comprehend the phoenix's nirvana supernatural power.

But Qin Yi learned from the Dilu Temple Spirit.

Swallowing these magical medicines directly, perhaps for cultivating magical powers, is tantamount to violence.

If it can be combined with many magical medicines and quasi-magic medicines, and then refined into a five-phoenix pill, its medicinal power can be maximized.

‘Using the five phoenix divine medicine as the main medicine, refining the five phoenix pills, swallowed by the deity, it will surely be able to re-enter the emperor realm. ’

Qin Yi's eyes were faint.

As long as the five phoenix divine medicine is obtained and refined into a five phoenix pill, one five phoenix pill is enough to restore this clone.

Moreover, it can steadily push the clone's cultivation base to the peak of the third stage!

The fourth stage is not impossible!

Thinking of this, Qin Yi's speed became faster and faster.

Across hundreds of millions of miles, a quarter of an hour later, Chiyang Cave Sky was also close at hand.

A majestic mountain, supporting the sky and the ground, straight into the Qingming, shrouded in the endless divine fire, standing tall.

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