Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3001: Nangong family, true dragon in the sky

"Princess Nangong, don't look at this immortal goddess as a peerless posture, but she can be arrogant and tight-tempered.

Such a thin willow pose as a concubine body is not in her eyes. "

The woman in red covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Oh? You can't even look down on you as a beauty, this is indeed very arrogant!

Compared to a woman who is too arrogant, this son still prefers you, a charming and charming beauty! "

The man in the Chinese robe laughed and stretched out his hand to embrace the slender waist of the woman in red, arousing her anger.

The two laughed like no one next to them, their gestures were extremely intimate.

The woman in red is nestled in the arms of the man in the robes, her cheeks are flushed, seemingly shy, and the flattery between her eyebrows makes people unable to help her in every possible way.

Lei Xingkong and the others did not squint, as if they didn't see it.


Seeing this, the eternal goddess felt suspicious.

The woman in red is the woman who has always been against her, and the disciples of the Yun family in Lingnan City, Yun Yan'er, Lei Xingkong and others are her admirers.

Yun Yan'er and the man in Huapao were so close, Wu Xingkong and others turned a blind eye to it, which made the longevity goddess even more puzzled.

You know, Lei Xingkong and others' family background is definitely not inferior to her. Behind each of them is a top force in Qingmingzhou.

For example, Lei Zong of Zixiao, Wu Family of Canglan City, Yun Family of Lingnan City, etc., are not weaker than Wanshouzong.

However, the longevity goddess could feel the jealousy of Lei Xingkong and others, or the flattery to the man in the Chinese robe, and she willingly succumbed to the man.

Like a servant!

Only in the face of beings whose status and status are much higher than their own, Lei Xingkong and others will make such a humble behavior.

Xu Shi saw the doubts of the longevity goddess, and Yun Yan'er smiled sweetly: "Young Master Nangong, from the Nangong family in Xuanhua Prefecture."

"Nangong Family?"

The longevity goddess's pupils shrank, and she looked at the man in Huapao in shock.

Qingming State is one of the eighteen largest states in the Seven Prisons World. Among them, the forces are complex and the sectarian family is intertwined, and no one force has absolute dominance.

Powers with emperors such as Wanshouzong are considered first-class powers in Qingming State.

However, the Wanshouzong and other forces have at most one or two emperors sitting in town, and they can only rule the roost in Qingming State, and it doesn't matter if they leave Qingming State.

But the Nangong family is different.

Dominating the Xuanhua state, the Emperor Yin Dynasty of Megatron, the entire Dazhou is under its control, the emperors gather, and the strong come forth in large numbers.

Among the countless families of the Great Yin Dynasty, the Nangong family can be ranked in the top ten, and they are true eternal families.

Powerful members of the clan are all over the Great Yin Dynasty, and there are countless prominent officials and nobles, and they even enjoy great influence in the army and party of the Great Yin Dynasty.

A disciple walked out at will, and when he arrived in Qingming State, he would travel like the last sect and was sought after by countless people.

No wonder Wu Xingkong and others are so humble.

"Hi, son of the Nangong family?"

Everyone around was shocked when they heard the words, and they all took a breath.

The eyes of the man in Huapao were full of awe.

Nangong family.

The simple four words seemed to add boundless power to the man in the robes, clothed with endless luxury, and suppressed all the strong people in the field to bow their heads.

Without a word, all the strong are under it!

For these casual cultivators and small and medium-sized powers in Qingmingzhou, powers such as Wanshouzong are already unchallable behemoths.

Not to mention, the Nangong family, far better than Wanshouzong and other forces.

Everyone looked at the man in Huapao again.

If you see the real dragon in the sky defy the dust!

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