Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3012: Tianjiao who can't sit still

The sword light is like a tide.

Hanging horizontally above the nine heavens, like a river of heaven billowing non-stop.

All the arrogances are shaking their hearts.

"Swordsman giant? Extreme swordsmanship? There are such arrogances in Qingmingzhou?"

Qing Ming Wang Shizi raised his brows and his eyes suddenly brightened.

This sword, in his eyes, is already standing firmly above the emperor realm, and it is no worse than the real emperor.

"Extreme Dao Sword Intent?"

When many Tianjiao heard this, their expressions were extremely shocked.

What is Jidao Jianyi?

The sword intent of the extreme, peeping into the sword intent of the Great Dao of Heaven, and comprehending the sword intent comparable to the emperor with the body of the quasi emperor, is the ultimate sword intent.

To a certain extent, a swordsman who masters the sword intent of the extreme Dao can be regarded as the existence of the three extreme realms of cultivation.

If there is enough repair base support, it may not be able to compete with the emperor.

No matter how bad it is, it can be invincible in the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

At least, even if the sixteen Mo Yunwei deployed Jinpeng to kill the demon battle formation, it was impossible to block this one.

"Interesting, there are actually two evildoers in this Beihe secret realm."

Qing Ming Wang Shizi stared, a ray of warfare burning from the bottom of his eyes.

He has always been the first person in Qingming State, and no one in the younger generation can be his opponent.

In this Beihe secret realm, there was no one in his eyes, he could arbitrarily crisscross it.

Even, he didn't want to come to this Beihe secret realm.

If it hadn't been for the birth of the five phoenix divine medicine, the Beihe Secret Realm would be a place for him to relax.

Now, two evildoers of the same level suddenly appeared, one master of boxing and one master of kendo, how could he not be excited?

At this moment, Ren Bingheng suddenly exclaimed:

"What is this person doing?"

Everyone looked down, their eyes widened, as if seeing something incredible.

Surprisingly, it was the silver-haired man who slaughtered Mo Yunwei and attacked Nangong Jun.

He wants to kill Nangong Jun!

Ren Bingheng and other Tianjiao only feel that their scalp is blown up, what is Nangong Jun's identity?

The disciple of the main line of the Nangong family has the opportunity to inherit the position of the head of the Nangong family, and the status is comparable to that of the princes of the prefecture.

If Nangong Jun died here, the sky would be broken!

The entire Great Yin Dynasty will be shaken, and there is one who is present, and it will be liquidated by the Nangong family afterwards.

Even the parents and generations may not be able to protect them, or they dare not protect them at all!

Even the princely son may be crippled by this.

The Nangong family is domineering and domineering to the extreme. More than one or two murders have been done?

Arrogant people such as Ren Bingheng felt chills when they encountered the Nangong family, which is evident in the domineering nature of the Nangong family.

"Shoot, stop him!"

Ren Bingheng's voice was stern, without any hesitation, smashed into the sky, shattering the void, and rushed to the foot of the mountain.

"Hurry up!"

Many other Tianjiao didn't dare to neglect, and they shot one after another.


The void was blasted through in an instant, shattering space passages leading to the foot of the mountain.

Most Tianjiao stepped directly in, attacked and killed the silver-haired man, and once they shot it was a killer move.

In an instant, countless torrents of power poured down from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there were only a few Extreme Tianjiao, and that His Royal Highness didn't make a move.

More than a hundred quasi emperors shot at the same time, even if they were fighting separately, it was far more terrifying than Mo Yunwei's shot!

The void of thousands of miles around Chiyang Mountain shattered in an instant, turning into a dark chaos.

If the Nine Heavens God River flows backwards, the Zhoushan Mountain falls!

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