Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3015: Flashy, big and improper


The void burst.

A series of cyan thunders burst out of thin air, the laws oscillated, and the endless torrent of power engulfed and suppressed everything.

The vastness will cover all the sky!

The blood knife crossed the sky, the fist was like a dragon, the divine bell roared...

The violent power is as straight as the sky!


The longevity goddess' face was pale, and she looked terrified.

Hundreds of Tianjiao, and hundreds of powerful people together to make a move, how terrifying the vision triggered.

Countless avenues manifested in the void, shaking endlessly, setting off a monstrous storm.

It is as if several emperors are shooting at the same time, not the supreme who has just stepped into the emperor realm, but the veteran supreme who has completely stabilized the realm!

A true emperor is standing here, I am afraid it will be discolored.


The longevity goddess hurriedly looked at Qin Yi with worry in her eyes.

When she saw Qin Yi's expression, she was stunned again, only to see Qin Yi's expression calm, not a trace of panic.

"Flashy, big and improper."

Qin Yi chuckles.

If there are really a few emperors here, not to mention the third stage, they are the first and second stage emperors, he may be tired of coping.

But these arrogances have not become emperors after all, and their power seems huge, but in fact they are just sand castles in the wind.

If you fail to become an emperor, you will end up as an ant!

Putting this sentence in the heavens and all realms is the ultimate truth.

The emperor and the creatures under the emperor are basically two levels of existence, one in the sky and the other on the ground.

After setting foot in the emperor realm, the life level of creatures has undergone a leap, and qualitative changes have taken place from the flesh to the soul!

Only the quasi-emperor who has cultivated into the three extreme realms can barely compete with the emperor.

How many quasi emperors have cultivated into the three extreme realms? There are only a handful of them, and it is even harder than becoming an emperor.

The Tianjiao and the strong who attacked Qin Yi were mostly ancient sages and quasi emperors, and there were no quasi emperors who had cultivated to the extreme realm.

How can Qin Yi be eye-catching?

Although Qin Yi's realm has fallen, his soul and body are still in the emperor realm, and his cultivation is constantly recovering.

Qin Yi in the next moment is always stronger than the previous moment!

In his eyes, these arrogances were nothing but juniors. By now, the creatures under the emperor could not attract Qin Yi's attention long ago.

"Well, let this farce end."

Qin Yi sighed, then flicked his sleeves.


Void shocked.

The impossibly vigorous magic power instantly turned into a shining torrent, rushing down, lying in front of Qin Yi.

Stop the attacks of many Tianjiao and the strong.

Such as the collision of two Tianhe rivers, knocking out a clear boundary line.

No matter how many arrogances and strong men urge their mana, they can't break into Qin Yi's top ten miles!

"What a powerful mana!"

On the top of the mountain, many extreme Tianjiaos were surprised.

Qin Yi showed the fullness of mana, and the Tianjiao who had cultivated the ultimate mana on the scene was somewhat ashamed.

"I will try!"

At this time, an Extreme Tianjiao snorted coldly, holding the divine sword in his hand, and outrageously shot.

The sword light is mighty, like water waves sweeping across the sky, splitting the void.

However, this extreme Tianjiao's attack fell into the torrent, and instantly it was like a mud cow entering the sea, disappearing.

"I come!"

"I'm coming too!"

After shouting loudly, a Zun Extreme Realm Tianjiao shot one after another.

Every one's attack is extremely shocking, shaking the sky and the earth, it can shatter a thousand miles and shoot down thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.


They still couldn't shake the'Colorful Tianhe' in front of Qin Yi, even the slightest.

At this time, many extreme Tianjiao finally changed.

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