Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3020: Nangong Family

Xuanhua Prefecture.

Above the endless sea of ​​clouds, a huge island floats.

Clouds and mists linger, laws roar, and countless chaotic essences are like waterfalls, turning into dragons and phoenixes to dance in the sky.

Crane and spirit birds soar around the island, and the fragrance of medicine is permeated.

A majestic palace, standing on the island, is magnificent and magnificent, as straight as the palace of heaven!


Above the palace, there is a Tianhe hanging for nine days. It does not know where to start and where to end, spanning hundreds of millions of miles across the sky.

In the vertical and horizontal agitation, the light of endless stars fell.

If ordinary people practice in this place, their cultivation speed is hundreds of times faster than other places, and the same is true for the emperor!

Star City.

The Nangong family is located.

In the depths of this city, there is a palace. There are not many things in the palace. There are only two guards guarding more than a dozen ancient bronze lamps.

In every ancient lamp, there is a group of blue flames burning.

Or hot, or faint, or erratic...

If you look carefully, you can even see that on the bronze ancient lamp, the book has a personal name, Nangong Qi, Nangong Rin...

One of them had three words written on it.


Suddenly, this ancient lamp trembled, it shattered from the middle, and burst into countless fragments.

The two guards in the hall were instantly alarmed, looking at the broken bronze ancient lamp, their pupils suddenly shrank.

A guard roared sternly: "Go and report to the first son, the third son's life lamp is broken!"

The life lamp was broken, and the two knew what it meant.

This means that the third son has lost his soul and has fallen!

This is an earth-shattering event!

The main line of the Nangong family is scarce, and every one of them is extremely respected, and one falls away. For the Nangong family, it is an unimaginable event!

"No, the deity is here!"

At this moment, a cold voice floated from outside the hall.

A young man dressed in a black robe with hair hanging down his shoulders pushed open the door of the hall and walked in.

"The third brother..."

The young man in black robe walked to the broken bronze ancient lamp, his cold eyes fell on the ancient lamp, and a sorrow flashed under his eyes.

He was just on a whim. He came to this Palace of Life Lamps to have a look, only to encounter this incident and his third brother fell!

"The third brother, although I don't see you very much on weekdays, the blood of the Nangong family is flowing through you after all..."

The black robe youth spoke softly, with a smile on his mouth.

But the gleam of light from the depths of his eyes was daunting, it was a killing intent that was boiling hot like molten slurry.

The temperature in the hall dropped countless degrees instantly, and the two guards trembled as if they had fallen into the abyss of ten thousand years.


The young man in the black robe stretched out his hand, and the broken ancient lamp fell into his hand, his eyes flickered with divine brilliance, as if he had seen countless distances across time and space.

"Qingming Prefecture, Beihe Secret Realm? A person from a barren state dare to provoke my Nangong family?"

The black robe youth whispered.

"It seems that my Nangong family has been dormant for too long, so that a pariah in a barren state would dare to provoke my Nangong family?"

"Never mind, just use the blood of thousands of creatures in Qingmingzhou to make my Nangong family famous!"

The black robe youth stroked his sleeves and strode out of the palace.

A voice blasted the island: "Mo Yunwei gathers, and goes to Qingming State with the deity, and calms everything down!"


In an instant, horror auras rose into the sky, and the evil aura filled the sky for thousands of miles, alarming countless powerful men.

They were surprised, what happened to the Nangong family who had been dormant for a long time, revealing their hideous minions again!

Immediately afterwards, I saw a large army leaping into the sky and heading east.

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