Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3034: Xiaoqing Hades shot

The sky above.

I don't know when it was shrouded by a cloud, and the black cloud rolled.

Look closely, where is the dark cloud, it is clear that it is a soldier in black armor.

A pair of cold eyes exuded Han Che's murderous aura, there were three thousand people, divided into four directions, suppressing the world.

Three of the soldiers, with their breath shaking the earth, can shake the sun and the moon with their hands.


The three soldiers took a step forward together, and the momentum like a mountain like a sea instantly filled the whole world.

The void in a radius of thousands of miles seemed to be crushed, and the terrifying fluctuations swept the sun and the moon, making countless people tremble.

At that moment, even the powerhouses of the entire Qingming State seemed to be aware of it, and they all looked up in the direction of the Beihe Secret Realm.

"Emperor... Emperor!"

The many powerhouses in the Beihe Secret Realm changed their colors at the same time.

These three people turned out to be emperors!

Although not as powerful as Nangong Chen and the brawny man in scarlet armor, he is also a real powerhouse in the imperial realm!

"Five...Five emperors?"

Many strong men suffocated, chilled all over, trembling all over.

With the addition of Nangong Cen two, the Nangong family actually sent five emperors.

One emperor can overwhelm one side, slaughtering all the strong ones present, not one staying, let alone several emperors?

Not to mention, there are still three thousand Mo Yunwei blocking the void, there is no possibility of escape at all.

"Master Sword Master, your third brother was not killed by me, this matter has nothing to do with me!"

"Master Sword Master, you have a large number, just let me wait!"

"I am a disciple of the Tianxuan Sect. The Tianxuan Sect has made good friends with the Nangong aristocratic family for generations. I also ask Master Jianjun to look at the face of the Tianxuan Sect and let me wait."

The strong roared in fear.

Either dismiss the relationship, or plead, or lift out of their own backstage...

"Er and others are more than a thousand, but they can't stop one person and let my third brother die in the secret realm. What a waste!

It's fine if you die, lest you lose the face of your elders. "

Nangong Chen looked indifferent, unmoved, waved his hand gently.


Behind him, three thousand Mo Yunwei shot instantly.

The qi and blood are linked together, and turned into a stalwart giant, hitting the sky with one punch, looking over the eight wilderness and overlooking Liuhe.

The vast world of evil spirits, military calamities and calamities, engulf the invincible army, stirring the situation in all directions.

A wisp of imperial prestige can be overwhelming forever!

The three emperors unite the power of three thousand quasi emperors, and it is so terrifying to strike with all strength.

A trace of energy that escaped at will, in the blink of an eye, a mountain range of thousands of miles away was wiped out.

Before the fist arrived, the force of the fist had arrived. In just six births and deaths, more than a hundred Qingmingzhou powerhouses fell.

A mortal flicks his finger, sixty instants, nine hundred births and deaths in one instant.

Six births and deaths, that is, in less than a moment, Qing Mingzhou Tianjiao had already suffered heavy casualties.

The power of the emperor is fully revealed at this moment.

A group of strong men in Qingmingzhou, pale, roaring and resisting, are just like worms shaking a tree, vulnerable to a blow.


At this moment, a cold drink sounded.

Immediately afterwards, at the exit of the Beihe Mysterious Realm, a streamer flew out, transforming into a man in a gilt dragon robe.

The black hair was scattered, and the eyes bloomed with golden light.

Behind him, there is a simple sky wheel, like a bright moon, like a big sun, hanging behind his head.

The infinite **** patterns are intertwined, and hundreds of thousands of celestial lights fall down!


The sky wheel turns.

If the sun and the moon were torn apart at the same time, the fiery power swept through everything, and the three thousand Mo Yunwei attacked together and stopped them all.

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