Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3052: Nangong Chen, die


The world was filled with red, and there was no other light.

Everything was taken away by the color of Huanghuang Qi and blood!

The evil spirit that flooded the world was rushed by the endless blood, as if the black cloud vanished in an instant by the sun.

The countless monsters in it made a stern and miserable howling, as if being delayed, but dissipated a little.

In a moment, the world is clear!

"Ah, no, it's impossible!"

Nangong Chen roared wildly, frantically urging her own power.

However, all this is to no avail.

In his horrified eyes, this fist broke through layers of void and imprinted on his chest, and the overbearing power instantly spread throughout his body.

Then, this fist burst in his body.


There was a muffled sound.

"No, no, this monarch is the second son of the Nangong family, the commander of the Great Yin Dynasty Demon Army Corps,!"

The screaming screams echoed between heaven and earth.

Under the gaze of the powerful onlookers, Nangong Chen's body suddenly exploded, from head to toe, one by one, it exploded into flesh and blood.

The scarlet rain of blood, mixed with strands of evil qi, poured down.

Such as the great river cascading thousands of miles, nine days the great river flowing backwards!

Nangong Chen, die!

One punch, destroy your emperor's body, destroy your soul, and kill you!

At that moment, everyone was terrified, and the audience fell into dead silence.


"Nangong Chen, the second son of the dignified Nangong World, the commander of the Demon Army, was killed by a punch?"

"I didn't die in the hands of the strong in the demon realm, but died in the barren state of Qingmingzhou?"

It took a long time for the strong people to react and exclaimed in disbelief.

The scene that happened before them was completely beyond their imagination. No, it should be said that everything that happened today was fundamentally different from their expectations.

How arrogant when Nangong Chen arrived with three thousand Mo Yunwei.

Like Xiaoqing Pluto, the emperor's high-level leaders of all forces must avoid their sharp edges, stay low and be small, and dare not even avenge the Tianjiao within the door.

In the eyes of everyone, Qin Yi had no chance of escape, only being suppressed by Nangong Chen and others.

Who knows what Qin Yi did has overturned their imagination time and time again.

Destroy the three thousand Mo Yunwei first, defeat the God Sovereign Crimson Sun, and then slay the Nangong Chen to make a way out of life!

"It's like a banished immortal!"

Gu Xiaoyi sighed.

"Da da!"

Like Chen Changfeng and his like, they were trembling with fright.

They didn't dare to look at Qin Yi at all, they were afraid that Qin Yi would notice him and slap him to death.

"This, how is this possible, how can the second son fall? This son is not in the third stage, how can it be possible to kill the second son."

The God of Chiyang was lost in his soul and muttered in his mouth.

Among the three lower realms of the emperor, they attacked and fought each other.

In addition to the emperor's many life-saving methods, there are also the lower three realm emperors can not destroy the emperor's emperor soul.

The emperor soul is immortal, and the emperor body is immortal!

These are the two characteristics that creatures have after they set foot in the emperor realm.

Only the supreme who stepped into the fourth realm had the power to completely wipe out the emperor's soul.

Qin Yi is not in the third stage, how could he obliterate the second son's emperor soul?

God Lord Chiyang didn't want to believe it.

However, he also had a clear understanding in his heart that Qin Yi's punch must have crossed the threshold of the fourth stage before he could annihilate the soul of Emperor Nangong Chen and let it fall completely.


At this moment, a clear footstep sounded in his ears.

Red Sun God Lord looked back suddenly, and saw Qin Yi walking slowly.

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