Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3056: First call

System space.

As always, the darkness enveloped the entire space.

Only the system disc engraved with countless **** patterns exudes a shining halo, passing the mysterious charm from time to time.

"System Disc..."

Qin Yi stepped forward and gently stroked the system disk, his eyes flickering constantly, as if he was certain.


After a long while, Qin Yi retracted his gaze and let out a long breath, blowing the system space into turbulence.

"Sure enough, with my current cultivation base, it is still too reluctant to comprehend the mystery on the system disk."

Qin Yi frowned, thinking in his heart.

This is also reasonable. The system can even summon the Sage of the Qing Dynasty, the Master of the Heavens, and the Dao Venerable Yuanshi. The rank is so high that it is unimaginable.

As the hub of the system connecting the mythological worlds of all parties, the system disc contains the mystery that Qin Yi can discover now?

Qin Yi was not without gain, the **** pattern engraved on the system disc pointed straight to the main road, and it was a huge gain.

At Qin Yi's level, Qin Yi could barely comprehend it.

In terms of efficacy, it is nothing compared to the words of the ancestors of humanity and the Tao of heaven!

But half a quarter of an hour, Qin Yi's original vain realm quickly stabilized, and there was no longer a danger of falling into it.


"System, start calling."

Qin Yi stretched out his hand and stroked it, and the system disc suddenly spun, hanging down from the disc like an eternal atmosphere.

As vast as the heavens, vast as chaos!

It is magnificent and vast, and it is difficult to describe one billionth of it, including the universe.


The dazzling silver brilliance rose to the sky, illuminating the space, and in a moment, the entire space was bright as day.

On the space dome, a galaxy with no beginning and no end flows slowly.

Looking up, it was like a shining world.


The galaxy flows backwards and falls into the system disc, instantly illuminating the Taoist **** pattern on the disc, intertwined into an unknown supreme array.

Quill, the surface of the system disk seems to be turned into a silver mirror.

Countless pictures flashed across the mirror quickly, and you could see a horrible existence that moved the palm of the mountain to the moon, and held the avenue.

God armor is burning, three eyes supervise the sky.

A stick is in the sky, and the three realms are respected.

The sea of ​​blood is surging, and the magic is powerful.

Any one can be called the supreme power, standing on the top of one realm, angering the cold of the heavens, and hanging upside down when drinking the ten thousand realms.

As long as these beings Qin Yi can summon a statue, no one can do anything except Seven Prisons in the Seven Prison World.


The system disk gradually stopped, and a space channel opened in the quiet.


The breath of the Three Paths, Ruo Ruo Wu, came from the passage.

Immediately afterwards, the system prompt sounded one after another:

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing three system summons, one magical power summon, one pill summon, and one obedience summon."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the opportunity to summon the magical powers and link to the white snake mythical world."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the opportunity to summon the elixir for linking to the mythical Qin and Han world."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, Summoning Opportunity, linking to the mythical world of Journey to the West."

Qin Yi smiled indifferently, and all three summoning opportunities were linked to the myth world, and the chances of getting good things were much higher.

He also didn't expect that three summoning opportunities would be able to summon good things. With the urinary nature of the system summoning, he could produce one or two good things three times, which was a blessing to invite heaven.

Soon, the result of the first call was out.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host..."

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