Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3063: Chaos Ape King, Dragon Moon Fairy

Flying Star Gate.

Main hall.

Thousands of saints and warriors wore iron armors, held battles in their hands, looked solemn, and placed battle formations to surround the entire hall.

In the hall, a man and a woman are sitting on the main seat.

The woman wore long golden hair, falling down her waist, her skin was like fat, her body was slender and enchanting, with a tulle face, her whole body was condensed into a golden dragon, majestic and majestic.

The man's appearance is extremely handsome, like a human being, and his cultivation is even more unfathomable. Deep in his eyes, there seems to be a great ape roaring.

The supreme elder and head of the Fei Xingmen, sitting side by side, carefully serving the two of them, as if this is not the Fei Xingmen.

"Fairy Longyue, this Feixing Gate is a small school, and the level of refining is fair, and it is considered good among the nearby states.

But how can it be compared to the Forging God Mountain? "

The man's demeanor is generous and calm, and he has a kind of superior nobleness.

In terms of words, I didn't look at the Fei Xingmen at all. Although everyone at the Fei Xingmen looked ugly, they were afraid of being a man and could only laugh with them.

If it is an ordinary person who dared to belittle the Fei Xingmen like this, everyone would have gone up to fight him desperately.

However, when thinking of the man's identity, the Fei Xingmen people can only dispel the anger in their hearts, and they dare not express their dissatisfaction.

The eldest son of Moyuanzhou Palace.

In terms of status, it is equal to Xiaoqing Hades and is one of the most distinguished persons in the world.

Moreover, the elder son of the Demon Ape State Palace, unlike Xiaoqing Hades, has been in the spiritual world for a long time. It is said that he has already entered the fourth state of the emperor and removed the title of the Little Demon Ape King!

Even if he does not have his identity, he is also a resounding big person.

With one person's power, one can support a powerful force.

Even, in the Great Yin Dynasty, Feng Hou Baixiang!

"If Fairy Longyue wants to temper the emperor's soldiers, why not go to Forge God Mountain, the relationship between the head of the Lord and the head of the Forge Mountain is not bad.

With the power of forging the head of the mountain, how can the emperor soldiers forged by these people compare? "

The man smiled.

Hearing that, the corners of the mouths of the people in the Fei Xingmen are bitter, and their heads hang lower.

How to refute this?

Forging Shenshan is the first refining sect of the Great Yin, and there are countless refining masters in charge. Compared with the Feixing Sect, it is more than a hundred times worse.

No matter in terms of magnitude or foundation, it is completely incomparable.

"I heard that you have created a middle-level imperial weapon for Lingxu Dongtian, but what about it?"

Miss Xuanhan Long Family, Fairy Long Yue didn't seem to hear his words, but looked at the Fei Xingmen Taishang Elder.

The man's eyes sank, and a shadow flashed under his eyes.

I think he is the son of the dignified Demon Ape King's Mansion, who lives in the bloodline of the Qingtian Demon Ape clan, and is the fourth realm of great power, and was named the Lord of Chaos by the Emperor.

Ever been ignored by others?

If it weren't because this daughter was the granddaughter of the Long Family, the granddaughter of the True Dragon King, why should he be so low?

"If you return to Fairy Longyue, that's true."

Elder Fei Xingmen Taishang carefully glanced at the look of Chaos Ape King and replied.

"Well, a piece of Pregnancy Star God Iron, plus Fanyun Lingsha, will create an intermediate emperor soldier for me, are you sure?"

Fairy Longyue nodded.

The Feixing Gate was so embarrassed that he didn't know how to answer.

The difficulty of refining middle-level imperial artifacts is not the same as the difficulty of refining low-level imperial artifacts.

He can refining successfully once, it is a big luck, even he can not guarantee whether he can successfully refining a second time?

But when he saw Fairy Longyue's cold eyes, his heart was horrified, and he couldn't agree to this situation.

Just as the Fei Xingmen Taishang was preparing to respond to this incident, there was a loud noise outside the Fei Xingmen Mountain Gate, and everyone couldn't help but watch.

Fairy Longyue frowned, revealing a hint of displeasure.

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