Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3068: To offend him is to offend the chaos

"Lei Zewei?"

"Isn't Lei Zewei of the Demon Ape Palace a legion directly under the jurisdiction of the son of the Demon Ape Palace? How did he appear in the Fei Xingmen?"

"When did the Demon Ape Mansion and Xuan Hanlong's family have friendship?"

The strong people talked.

The Demon Ape Palace is so beautiful and profound, even the Nangong family is slightly inferior.

Among the many state palaces, the Demon Ape palace can be ranked in the top ranks, and the terrifying strength is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Lei Zewei is one of the many legions under the Mansion of the Demon Ape King.

But in terms of fame, it is not comparable to Mo Yunwei and his like.

"Lei Zewei is not easy. It is said that Lei Zewei fought fiercely against the Demon Territory Blue Demon Legion and other three major legions, and defeated the Demon Territory Army by ten times the difference of combat power."

"With one hand, the Nine Heavens Thunder Zee battle formation can even call the Nine Heavens Thunder God Real Body!"

"But this is not the reason for Lei Zewei's greatest fame. Lei Zewei is famous throughout the imperial dynasty because they are the army of the eldest son of the Demon Ape Palace..."

The knowledgeable strong man couldn't help but say.

In the following words, the strong man did not continue, and everyone was already horrified.

The eldest son of the Demon Ape Palace.

Chaos Hou.

A great power of the fourth realm, the Great Yin Houye proclaimed by the emperor!

If it is said that the eldest son of the Qing Hades Palace, Xiaoqing Hades, his fame is still limited to Qingming State, and he has not grown up, unable to compete with the real Tianjiao of Da Yin.

Then, Chaoshouhou has completely grown up and become a real big man.

Even without the status of the first son of the Demon Ape King's Mansion, the Marquis of the Ape is a real big man himself, enough to influence countless people.

A Lord Hou, even the emperor cannot ignore it!

"Lord Lei Zewei is here. Doesn't that mean Lord Luan Yuanhou is also here?"

Some strong can't help but say.

"It's reported that the Demon Ape Palace deliberately let Luan Yuanhou, the eldest son, marry the eldest lady of Xuanhan Long's family. From this perspective, this should be true."

There are also some strong people from the Demon Ape State, interfacing.


Everyone on the scene looked at each other, and they could see the shock of each other's eyes.

what does this mean?

This means that Chaoshouhou is within this flying star gate.

A Lord Hou!

The son of the Demon Ape Palace!

Such a great figure came to Qingming State, or appeared in such a poor country as Midnight City.

If this news comes out, the entire Qingming State will be shaken, and even the Qingming Prince's Mansion will send a strong man to welcome this Lord Hou.

Who dares to look at the identity of Luan Yuanhou?

"Ba Shiquan, I'm afraid this time I'm going to hit the iron plate."

The strong looked at Qin Yi.

Qin Yi may even cut the two main disciples of the Nangong aristocratic family, gaining a reputation and a momentum of shaking.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that Qin Yi was already standing on the edge of the cliff.

Apart from other things, will the Nangong family let Qin Yi go?


Not to mention, Qin Yi may come from the identity background of Demon Domain.

Naturally, all the forces in the Great Yin Dynasty did not favor it. If it weren't for some reason, some powerful people would have dealt with Qin Yi, the "Devil's Tianjiao".

This time, if he offends Chaoshouhou again, Qin Yide's situation may be even more difficult.

It is not impossible for Luan Yuanhou to kill him by himself.

The man in Xuanyi looked proud. He may not be as good as Qin Yi, but he represents the chaotic ape. If Qin Yi offends him, doesn't he offend the chaotic ape?

Even this person dare not offend him!

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