Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3079: See Zulong


Qin Yi stepped through the void and walked into the Fei Xing Gate first.

Monkey King and the Longevity Goddess are close behind.

A group of strong men from Fei Xingmen stood on both sides respectfully at this moment, respectful and fearful, with deep fear in their eyes.

Even the many guards of the Long Family did not dare to speak.

The Red Armored general of the Long Family was even more dazed as a woodcarving, with a huge wave in his heart.

When he first saw Qin Yi and others, he might be a little jealous of Qin Yi and others, and he still didn't care more, just as a few ordinary disciples.

Who ever thought that Qin Yi's identities were so terrifying.

First, Qin Yi transformed himself into the overlord boxer who has recently risen to fame, and then, the black-robed man has become a powerful king-class powerhouse, slaying the chaotic apes at a glance.

This kind of horrible existence is beyond the reach of Xuan Hanlong's family!

‘Who is this person? ’

Fairy Longyue looked at Qin Yi with bright eyes.

She is very interested in Qin Yi's identity. As a descendant of the Long Family, she respects her identity and knows too many secrets that ordinary people don't know.

A strong man who can kill chaotic apes at a glance is undoubtedly a strong man of the king class, that is, a strong man of her grandfather's level.

And such a powerful existence, among Qin Yi's trio, did not occupy a dominant position, but instead respected Qin Yi!

In this way, Qin Yi's identity is worthy of scrutiny.

‘That disciple of the most powerful Demon Venerable, or the disciple of a hidden power in the Demon Realm? ’

Several thoughts flashed through Fairy Longyue.

However, on the surface, they did not make a difference, and gave a salute to the three Qin Yi:

"Longyue, I have seen Master Boxing Lord, I have seen this Lord, and this Fairy."

"You are Miss Long Family, Fairy Longyue?"

Qin Yi's eyes were faint, and then fell on Fairy Longyue.

Fairy Long Yue's body trembled, just a glance, she was like a huge pressure on her back, which was indescribably heavy.

For a time, she actually had an urge to kneel before Qin Yi.

'This……! ’

Fairy Longyue's heart trembled and her expression changed slightly.

She knew that this was not Qin Yi deliberately exerting pressure, but a sense of suppression that originated from the bloodline level and naturally produced.

This feeling that she is extremely familiar with is precisely the suppression she has possessed in the past against the powerful snakes, pythons, and flood monsters.

The true dragon is born and sacred.

Among the creatures of the heavens, there are very few whose bloodline can be compared with it!

Countless creatures want to transform into real dragons and become members of the real dragon family. Among them, the creatures belonging to snakes and insects are the most eager.

At the same time, the true dragon bloodline is the strongest suppression of such creatures.

As for Qin Yi, Fairy Longyue actually felt a similar sense of suppression, even more terrifying than facing her grandfather.

In a trance.

In her eyes, Qin Yi seemed to be transformed into a real dragon that wandered through the world of emptiness, piercing through the chaotic world, and incredibly majestic!

"True Dragon Blood!"

Fairy Longyue stared at Qin Yi with wide eyes.

She was very sure that Qin Yi had the true dragon bloodline, and it was countless times richer than the true dragon bloodline on her body.

It's like a real dragon alive!

Do not.

Even a real dragon can't bring her such a sense of suppression.

This feeling is like facing the source of the true dragon bloodline, which originated from the first and oldest true dragon in the heavens and all realms.

Zu Long!

In her mind, these two words of unknown meaning flashed abruptly.

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