Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3081: Maybe, maybe, probably

The news that Luan Yuan Hou died and was killed by a black-robed man beside Qin Yi quickly spread to the surrounding cities after Qin Yi and others left the city of no night.

In less than a day, Qingmingzhou and several nearby large states were detonated by this news, causing an uproar.

A statue of Lord Hou.

In the Great Yin Dynasty, he was also regarded as the overlord of one party.

If a Fenghou-level existence wants to open up a power, it can directly establish a first-class power, join the Great Yin Dynasty, and confer the title of worship.

The fall of such an existence is enough to alarm the entire Great Yin.

Not to mention, this news came with Qin Yi successively killing and killing two disciples of the Nangong family, attracting countless strong people's attention.

If it is said that the news that Qin Yi killed the disciple of the Nangong family, it only made some powerful people surprised for Qin Yi's boldness.


The fall of Chaos Yuanhou made many powerful people have to face Qin Yi squarely.

"Killing the main disciple of the Nangong family, and killing the offspring of that crazy monkey. Interesting, how long has it been since such a bold little guy came out."

"The child has fallen, why didn't that crazy monkey go crazy?"

"Looking at this style of behavior, he is another demon cub of the Demon Realm.

A demon cub of the demon domain dared to stir up trouble in my great Yin, mobilize the strong, and besieged this child to justify my great Yin and majesty. "

A strong person is interested in this matter, or confused, or disgusted...

Among them, some Da Yin powerhouses who hate the Demon Realm even clamored to summon a large number of powerhouses to kill Qin Yi and his party.

How dare the people of Demon Realm be arrogant in Da Yin?

There are also strong men who mentioned Monkey King and killed Chaoshouhou at a glance.

"At a glance, kill Luan Yuanhou? Impossible, this kind of existence is at least a powerful king, and even a powerful king.

With such an existence, how could it be possible to follow the orders of a little guy who has not even reached the Hou Realm? Still respect it? "

The strong sneered.

The strong are dignified, and the stronger, the more face.

For example, in myths and classics, a group of gods can fight for a little bit of skin, and even break the world.

Most of the strong can fight to the death with life for the sake of face!

It is extremely difficult, or basically impossible, to make a king-level strong man bow his head and proclaim himself.

For example, the Thirteen Dazhou kings of the Great Yin seem to surrender to the Great Yin Dynasty, but everyone knows that this is only a nominal surrender to the court.

The entire Great Yin Dynasty was actually the rule of the thirteen state palaces and the Great Yin imperial family!

Based on the powers of the major state palaces in the states, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is between North and China.

What the Great Yin Emperor couldn't do yet, how could a little guy in the third realm do such things?

"Then the black-robed man should be just a powerful prince, perhaps stronger than the little monkey of Luan Yuanhou, in order to kill him.

As for the **** to kill at a glance, it is absolutely false. "

This statement has also been universally recognized by many strong people.

What happened that day happened inside the Fei Xing Gate, and the strong men near the Fei Xing Gate watched the battle.

But if you talk about what happened, few strong people can see it clearly.

At the beginning, Monkey King sent out a ray of divine intent to reverse the divine intent of the powerful emperors, and could not see the course of the battle.

The power of the emperor is so, not to mention the creatures under the emperor.

They only saw it vaguely. It seemed that Monkey King killed Luan Yuanhou with a single glance, but when the princes spoke, they were also confused.

Maybe, maybe, just like what the princes said.

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