Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3304: Buddhism

The Buddha waved his palm, and the **** cow held the sky.

The power of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel and the power of the Bull Demon instantly collided.

The picture at that moment seemed to be suddenly still, frozen into a picture scroll in the eyes of the sentient beings, everything stagnated.

An unspeakable sense of fear suddenly filled everyone's minds.



A terrifying force burst out, and the chaotic void was shaken, setting off an endless wave of chaos.

As if the tranquil sea was broken into calmness, violent storms blew up, and chaotic waves that could destroy the world were everywhere.

One side of the world was engulfed in it, like a candlelight in a violent wind, inverted with the power of the aftermath.

Powerhouses such as the Buluo Emperor Dynasty and the Golden Crow Taoism made their moves one after another, and this confined the aftermath to within tens of thousands of miles of chaos.

If it is not restricted, I am afraid that many of the surrounding big worlds, and even the big worlds, will be severely damaged and shattered by the afterwaves of the two fighting.

A single emperor can destroy a thousand worlds in one party, not to mention a pinnacle emperor far above ordinary emperors.

The destructive power of the Bull Demon King and the Treasure Wheel of the Three Realms has long stood firmly above the peak emperor, and even faintly touched the threshold of Zhuntianzun.

If the aftermath of the collision between the two is not constrained, it can completely break up most of the world.

Even if a giant of the heavens is in it, I am afraid it will be stirred into powder by the aftermath for the first time, and it will fall without any resistance.

By the giants of the heavens, the gap between each level is so big that it is unimaginable, and it can be compensated by ordinary forces.

The essence of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel is a quasi-celestial weapon, even if it is broken, its essence is still there. It is urged by the three giants such as the Golden Crow Daojun, which is comparable to the average peak emperor.

Not to mention the Bull Demon King, his blood is noble, he has a deep understanding of the Dao of Power, and his combat power is comparable to the peak emperor.

The fight between the two is not inferior to the collision of the two peak emperors.


Although the Three Realms Treasure Wheel is extremely high in nature, it also depends on the strength of the rider. After all, the three giants such as the Golden Crow Daojun are only the giants of the seventh realm, and they are two realms behind the peak emperor.

Facing the collision of the pinnacle emperor's level, Jinwu Daojun and other giants are a little stretched.

The terrible counter-shock force caused the three spirits of the Golden Crow Daojun to tremble, and the original world in the body began to falter.

The Bull Demon King also found this, shocked with a punch, didn't take a half step, and pressed it down hard, not giving the Golden Crow Daojun the slightest chance to breathe.

"No, don't keep your hand anymore, if you have any hole cards, use it soon."

The King of the Golden Crow Dao screamed and didn't dare to hesitate, directly burning the original world in his body.

The next moment, the original power that gushed from his body soared, and the other two giants looked at each other and also used the hole cards at the bottom of the box.


Suddenly, the golden words of fighting big flew out into the air, gathering the Buddha's sound from all directions, and bursting out a dazzling vast Buddha light.


Buddhism uses the words of the heavens as the blueprint, and the characters created by it have powerful power.

At the same time as the Buddhist texts appeared, the light on the Three Realms Treasure Wheel rose sharply, and the kingdom of hundreds of millions of Buddhas unfolded instantly, and countless believers recited aloud.

For a time, it overwhelmed the power of the Bull Demon King.

Even Buddha Yin passed through the suppression of many giants and swept the surrounding worlds.

One of the sentient beings heard the sound of the Buddha and fell directly on their knees, with compassion in their hearts, abandoning both humanity and demonic nature, and then escaped into Buddhism.

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