Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3311: The power of the avatar

Qin Yi stepped slowly through the chaos, stepped out of the tens of thousands of chaos roads in one step, and within a few steps, he had already arrived in front of the Great Emperor.

The Great Emperor was stagnated in the void, and the invisible fluctuations enveloped him. No matter how hard he struggles, it will not help.

"I don't believe it, how difficult it is to comprehend the Dao of Time. With your cultivation base, it is impossible to comprehend the Dao of Time to such a level with your amazing talent!"

At this moment, the Great Emperor still did not want to believe that Qin Yi's understanding of the Dao of Time had reached this level.

With his cultivation at the peak of the seventh realm, if he wants to imprison him and the powerful people of the Golden Crow Taoist forces with the Great Dao of Time, their understanding of the Great Dao of Time will inevitably reach the seventh state, which is even higher. level.

If it was a giant in the eighth or seventh realm, although the Great Emperor was surprised, he would not be too surprised.


Qin Yi's own realm clearly hasn't touched the seventh realm. It stands to reason that Qin Yi's understanding of the Great Way of Time could not be so high.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, the Great Emperor would never believe that there would be such an emperor.

Realm surpasses strength, such a thing is rare in the heavens and all realms.

Generally speaking, the ordinary emperor can rely on the water milling work of time to accumulate the original power of his body to a very high level, and may even exceed the level where he is.

But the realm is different, and Dao can not be comprehended only by the water milling time of time.

If you can comprehend the avenue with the water milling time of time, there are giants walking everywhere in the heavens and the world, and the emperor is not as good as the dog.

"If you haven't seen it before, it doesn't mean that others can't do it."

Qin Yi smiled.

Everyone in the world regards self as their cognition, and only wants to believe what they see, and use their own superficial and ridiculous cognition to estimate others, without knowing the vastness of the world.

Like a frog at the bottom of a well watching the sky, Xia Chongyubing is generally ignorant.

The same is true for the giants of the heavens like Emperor Daxiang.

The great emperor has lived for a long time and has experienced the rise and fall of countless epochs. This is where his foundation lies, and it is also his restriction.

The experience of countless epochs gave him a background that ordinary people can't match, but it has also become his limit invisibly.

Just like now, the facts are before the Great Emperor, and he doesn't want to believe it.

Of course, if you use common sense, such as Qin Yi's comprehension of the Great Way of Time, an example that exceeds three or four realms of his own, it would be to traverse the history of the heavens and all realms, and one might not be found.

But how can Qin Yi use regular theory?

after all.

He has a system, he opens it!

Well, the system is only one of them. The reason why Qin Yi can apply the Dao of Time to this level is more dependent on the power of the Dao of Heaven.

Under the heavenly sovereign, no emperor can compete with the heavenly path for the understanding of the great avenue, even the quasi-tianzun who has walked the way to the end of the heavenly path.

With the blessing of the Heavenly Dao clone, his use of the Time Dao is comparable to the emperor of the eighth stage, and there is no difficulty in immobilizing the Great Emperor and others.

If the avatar of Tiandao is present, it will be no problem to anchor all the giants present.

"Damn it, I don't believe it!"

The great emperor roared wildly in his heart, his original power surged, and he even began to burn his original world to burst out with powerful power.

However, His struggle is still useless.

Qin Yi smiled slightly, not paying attention to the struggle of the Great Emperor, and pointed to his brow.

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