Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3313: To fight or not to fight is all in me

"Huh! Huh!"

The Great Emperor was breathing heavily, looking at the fingers three inches in front of his forehead, sweating all over his body, his pupils shrinking to the extreme.

A giant of the heavens was actually frightened to such a point, as if a mortal's heart trembled, one can imagine the impact that the Great Emperor received.

Just now, he seemed to be on the verge of life and death.

Between life and death, there is a big horror!

There are hundreds of thousands of creatures in the heavens and thousands of realms, how many people face life and death, but they are calm, ordinary creatures can't do it, and the giants of the sky can't do it.

The Great Emperor Daxiang has proclaimed the Dao since ancient times and has lived for hundreds of epochs. He has lived for countless years and is a veritable antique.

But because of this, the Great Emperor couldn't see through life and death.

If he could live, the Great Emperor would naturally not want to die.

Qin Yi didn't care about Daxiang the Great's thoughts, but turned to look at Yuanyi Daojun: "You are not willing to fight with me, are you willing to retreat?"

"Yes, there is no great feud between us, and we are the same creatures in the Eastern Frontier. Now that we are declining in the Eastern Frontier, we should work together to revive the power of the Eastern Frontier."

Yuan Yi Daojun talked freely, without the slightest shame on his face.

These words fell into the ears of the strong in other realms, and he could not help but curl his lips, dismissing it.

Similarly, Bai Qi and the rest of the strong were filled with outrage. These Dongjiang giants are really shameless and shameless in their behavior.

He was shameless, united in one spirit, relied on the large number of people, and attacked the imperial imperial dynasty of me, and wanted to destroy imperial imperial dynasty.

This time, the emperor showed his power, and he resolutely bowed his head and admitted his mistake, wanting to retreat?

How can it be so easy?

"As long as the Daoist friend releases the Daoist Daoist friend, the deity hereby promises that we will retreat as it is, and we will no longer infringe upon it in the future!"

Yuan Yi Daojun continued.

These words fell into Qin Yi's ears, and his expression remained unchanged, letting Yuan Yi Daojun speak.


Qin Yi sneered coldly until Daojun Yuanyi's eyes grew gloomy and he stopped talking.

Lifting his eyes, looking at Yuan Yi Daojun and other giants, they were cold and indifferent, with a bit of pity, a bit of disdain, and endless ridicule.

Facing Qin Yi's gaze, Taoist Master Yuan Yi trembled for no apparent reason.

This kind of gaze is like if a nine-day **** king looks down from the Primordial Temple, sitting on the throne, watching the ridiculous ants jumping up and down in front of him.

When you are impatient, you can trample the ants to death with a single foot!

"not good!"

Yuan Yi Daojun was shocked, and an unknown premonition rose in his heart.

Zheng intends to take action with many giants to rescue the Great Emperor from Qin Yi's men.

When Qin Yi was talking with Yuan Yi Daojun, the several giants on the side had already secretly taken action, and their aura was firmly locked on Qin Yi, and they broke out overnight, like a shock to the sky.

Or the sword light like the sea, or the sky hanging in September, or the tower of the gods...

The force of horror came over, trying to break the influence of Time Avenue, forcing Qin Yi to retreat, and saving the Great Emperor.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

"When Zi Er waits to attack me, this battle is not something that you can end when you say it is over... All the dominance lies not in you, but in me!"

Qin Yi's voice was faint, like a thunder trembling and chaotic universe: "It's not that you wait to settle me, but I will settle you!"

From the beginning, all the follow-up developments were within Qin Yi's thoughts.

Fighting and not fighting are all in Qin Yi, not giants such as Yuan Yi Daojun!

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