Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3325: The reason for the arrival of Taoist Taixu

‘What is the purpose of the Taoist Taixu coming to the Eastern Frontier? ’

Not only the Emperor Wanshou, but also all the emperors of Eastern Xinjiang were also puzzled.

Due to differences in status and experience, the emperors of Eastern Frontier did not know the existence of the Seven Prison Gates, let alone the secrets.

Except for Wanshou the Great’s speculation, most of the other emperors were dumbfounded.

of course.

No matter what purpose Taixu Taoist had, for the Buluo Emperor, the appearance of Taixu Taoist directly plunged the entire Buluo Emperor into the abyss of immortality.

If it is said that there is still a chance of winning in the face of Jinwu Daojun and other giants in the East, if the Emperor does not fall, no matter how bad, Qin Yi and other strong ones can also retreat.

Then facing the Taixu Taoist, facing the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, there is no chance of winning in the Buluo Emperor Dynasty.

"The Emperor Buluo Dynasty is over!"

Emperor Wanshou directly asserted.

All the emperors of Eastern Frontier recognized it, and no one was optimistic about not falling to the emperor.

Ten thousand gods, what a terrifying force?

The seven prison gates that stood on the top of the Eastern Frontier in the past and ruled the entire Eastern Frontier were all destroyed in the hands of the Ten Thousand Dao Gods.

For a dynasty, even the ants are not counted as far as the ten thousand gods.

Can be destroyed with one hand, not a lie!

For a time, those who stood on the side of the imperial court were bitter in their hearts and fell into endless silence.


He turned his gaze back to Taoist Taixu. Facing Qin Yi's question, Taoist Taixu didn't have any panic, and he smiled slightly: "You can't say that. Although this is an internal matter in the Eastern Frontier, I am a god. North Korea was once a member of the Eastern Frontier, and it was not considered an external force."

At the peak of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, he used his own power to destroy the Seven Prison Gates!

At the same time, the Ten Thousand Dao Shen Dynasty also incorporated the ruled area of ​​the Seven Prison Gates into its own territory, and its influence radiated to the eastern frontier.

Because the realm of the heavens fell on the main road to seal the town, the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty failed to bring the entire eastern boundary under control, and even withdrew its own power from the eastern boundary.

However, with this origin, Taixu Taoist's statement naturally has no problem.

"Besides, this king's trip is at the invitation of the Great Emperor."

Taixu Taoist smiled lightly.

'really! ’

The spirits of the magnates of Eastern Xinjiang were shocked, and they looked at the Great Emperor with complex expressions.

Among the many giants, the Great Emperor Daxiang has always been extremely low-key, and he has always been repulsive in the face of the powerhouses in other realms.

Many giants did not expect that they would be Taixu Taoists invited by the Great Emperor.

Even Biluo Daojun, who was acting with Daxiang the Great, was very surprised.

The Daxiang the Great’s contact with Taoist Taixu is not even clear to his ally!

"No wonder, when the Prime Minister came to find the alliance with this seat, he was full of confidence. At that time, this seat was still surprised that even if this seat joins hands with him, he wants to take the upper hand in the world in order to go further in the future. , Is also extremely difficult.

It turned out that as early as the beginning, He had cooperated with Wandao Shenchao. ’

Daojun Biluo looked ugly, and his eyes flashed with cold light.

The most taboo thing for both parties to cooperate is to conceal something.

When it is smaller, it is distrust, and when it is bigger, it may not be calculated by each other. So, what kind of cooperation is it?

If it weren't for the imperial dynasty to force Daxiang the Great's hole card, I am afraid that the person who Daxiang the Great's hole dealt with would probably be him!

Thinking of this, Daojun Biluo looked at Emperor Daxiang's gaze more and more unkind.

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