Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3340: The war is in full swing

When Heilong Daojun tried to persuade other Dongjiang giants, the confrontation between Monkey King and Taixu Daoist continued, and the two kept colliding.




The tyrannical wave of power swept around, setting off endless waves.

In the territory of hundreds of millions of miles, the creatures counted as Jing Zhao fell to the ground in the power of the collision, with a chilling heart.

The creatures under the emperor looked aghast, and they felt that the world they were in was like a small boat in the storm, drifting with the flow, and might be submerged in this violent power at any time.

It's like the end is coming!

The creatures above the emperor can barely perceive some situations in the chaos, knowing that these two supreme beings are fighting each other.

Only the strong above the fourth level can barely see a trace of Monkey King's fight between the two.

However, even the emperors above the fourth realm did not dare to observe for too long, just a glance made many emperors of the fourth realm tremble.

For all the emperors of Eastern Frontiers, the appearance of Monkey King once again exceeded their expectations.

The embarrassment on the face of the Great Emperor Guhuang disappeared. Although the appearance of Monkey King surprised him, he still did not think that the Emperor Wuluo Dynasty could win.

Without waiting for the other emperors to speak, he opened his mouth and said: "The old man has to admit that the strength of the imperial dynasty exceeds the old one's expectations."

"But if it's just an overlord of the heavens, it's not enough to change the outcome of this battle."

"This overlord of the heavens can only stop the King Taixu at most, and on the side of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, there is the King Baiwu and a group of giants of the heavens."

The words of the Great Emperor of Ancient Desolation were also recognized by the emperors of the Eastern Frontiers.

In the eyes of the emperors of the East, there is nothing wrong with the words of the ancient desolate emperor. Although the background of the imperial dynasty is tyrannical, it is ultimately inferior to the more powerful Ten Thousand Dao Divine dynasty.

The powers sent by the Wandaoshen Dynasty to the eastern frontier, in addition to the Taixu Taoist, there are also the Baiwu King who is not inferior to the Taixu Taoist, and a number of giants.

Although the giants of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty were stopped by the Emperor Buluo.

But on the side of the Ten Thousand Gods, there is also a King Baiwu sitting in the center.

In addition, a large number of giants in the Eastern Frontier are also on the side of the Ten Thousand Dao Gods.

That is to say, unless the Emperor of Buluo has one more heavenly overlord and several giants of the seventh stage, it will be possible to block the attacks of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Kingdom and the Golden Crow Daoist forces.

"too difficult!"

The emperor of Dongjiang couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

In fact, too many emperors in the Eastern Frontier hope that the imperial dynasty will not fall to win, and resist the powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine dynasty.

But these emperors also understand that this is almost impossible.

It is already extremely unbelievable for those who do not fall to have the existence of three heavenly overlords. How could there be one more heavenly overlord and several heavenly giants.

Really think that the giants of the heavens, the overlord of the heavens is the Chinese cabbage on the side of the road?

It is necessary to know that every giant of the heavens in the seventh realm is a mainstay existence among the major forces, and is an absolute high-level.

Where can the imperial dynasty not fall to find so many giants?

After all, it's just a rising power, and it's good to be able to do this step.

"As long as King Baiwu takes the initiative, this battle should come to an end. The old man doesn't think that the imperial dynasty can still find an overlord of the heavens!

There is no need to watch this battle anymore. "

The Great Emperor Guhuang made an assertion even more confident.

After speaking, the ancient emperor shook his head, preparing to disperse this clone.

The outcome is already obvious!


In chaos.

Monkey King waved the golden cudgel, wrapped in irresistible power, and smashed towards Taoist Taixu, sweeping across the four directions with a reckless breath.

The dazzling golden brilliance fills thousands of miles of chaos, illuminating the universe.


The speed of the golden **** is extremely slow, but it seems to cover the territory of the Taoist Taixu within a million miles, and there is nowhere to escape.

The will in it is even more evident.

This stick will surely kill you!

"A demon monkey in a mere guilty way dare to be rampant in front of this king, looking for death!"

Seeing this scene, Taoist Taixu let out a cold voice, a cloud of anger suddenly rose in his heart, and a cold killing intent burst into his eyes.

I don't know how many great battles have passed before this has come to today.

It is not that he has never seen an arrogant person, but this is the first time he has seen this rebellious and lawless person like Monkey King.

With his cultivation base, he is a quasi-tianzun of the same level, and he does not say anything to kill him, not to mention a demon monkey in the seventh realm.

"Take this king a palm!"

The Taoist Taixu looked up to the sky and roared, his eyes were like the sun and the moon, and he took seven steps in a row and shot out with one palm.


In an instant, the universe fell, and the chaos hung upside down.

The mighty palms tear and illuminate the chaotic Jinhui, like the ancient gods who lifted a sacred mountain that traverses the heavens and ten thousand realms, and smashed it down in the sky.

It is also like the ancient emperor overlooking the red dust, and a jade seal that suppressed all disobedience was left behind.

Destiny is clear, but I am undefeated!

This is the path followed by Taoist Taixu, the path of invincibility.


When Monkey King saw this, his eyes were bright, and two hot bright rays of light burst out from the bottom of his eyes, and his intent to fight was burning in his heart.

A cheerful smile appeared on his face, which was full of heroism.

Like the Taoist Taixu, Monkey King walked an unbeaten path. It can be said that he is somewhat similar to Taoist Taixu.

Fighting against such an opponent makes it even more enjoyable.

"Huh! Take my old grandson a stick!"

The sound of the mighty sky rolled down, shaking the chaotic void for hundreds of millions of miles.

Sweeping with a stick, the endless chaotic air current was engulfed, and as far as the eye could see, it was like the entire nine-day star sea rolled down.

An invincible will erupted from the ten thousand realms, and it constantly collided with the will of the Taoist Taixu, confronted, and tore the void.


The power of the two collided together, and amidst the earth-shaking roar, the billowing chaotic aura boiled and burst, sweeping the surroundings.

Endless ripples spread, rippling endless storm tides, setting off a shocking wave in the chaos of hundreds of millions of miles.

This chaos is like a turbulent ocean for a time, and the boiling wave can swallow everything that has flooded the world.

Even the giants such as Qin Yi and Xinghai Daojun couldn't help but change their faces and had to avoid this chaos to avoid being affected by the aftermath.

Even the roar of countless avenues resounded in the void, spurred by the power of the confrontation between the two.

A **** and demon appeared in a strange state, and then was shattered by violent power.

A crowd of other experts in the realm who watched the battle couldn't help but look sideways, paying more attention to the process of the two fighting, and marveling at it.

The combat power displayed by Monkey King and Taoist Taixu far surpassed the overlord of the heavens in the ninth realm, and had already touched the threshold of Zhuntianzun.

Even the existence above the Ninth Realm had to be amazed.

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