Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3356: Black Dragon Fights Qingyuan


The seven giants of the heavens shot at the same time, how tyrannical and terrifying.

The vast flow of power poured out wildly, the chaos seemed about to be penetrated, and the void of thousands of miles was trembling violently.

The avenue is roaring, and the terrifying power is enough to destroy everything!

The Great Emperor Daxiang was cold and ruthless, with a cold killing intent in his eyes, looking at the eyes of a group of strong men, as if he was looking at a group of dead people.

From his point of view, even the existence of the seventh state or the eighth state of the imperial imperial dynasty could not prevent them from killing the strong ones waiting for Baiqi.

He suffered a big loss in Qin Yi's hands. As long as he could kill these strong ones, it would be considered to have shed his hatred.

Besides, after this incident, he can still obtain a nine-day tribulation pill, why not do it?


In the void, the fluctuations of the long river of years became more and more intense, and the big day that Yin Chang's essence manifested seemed to feel the crisis, and it also shook more and more violently.

Yin Chang wanted to completely surpass the years and become the giants of the heavens, in order to face the giants of East Xinjiang such as the Great Emperor.

"I want to break through in battle. It's just a wishful thinking. Not to mention that this seat won't allow you to break through. Even if you break through successfully, this seat can also speak back to suppress you!"

The Great Emperor sneered.

He didn't put Yin Chang in his eyes, not to mention that Yin Chang hadn't completed the breakthrough yet, even if Yin Chang finally successfully completed the breakthrough, he didn't care.

How can a giant that has just broken through the seventh realm be compared with him?

We must know that He has become a giant of the heavens, and it has been more than dozens of epochs. Among the giants of the heavens, it is also an old giant with a long time of enlightenment.

Regarding the cultivation base, he has stood at the peak of the seventh stage, touched the edge of the eighth stage, and may set foot on the eighth stage at any time.

Even if Yin Chang breaks through, whether he can stabilize his body is a problem, and he can defeat it with his own power.

Not to mention, how could he allow Yin Chang to break through?


The Great Emperor gave a long roar, and the attack became more fierce, and his whole body was mobilized to the extreme, and the acupoints everywhere bloomed brightly.

His eyes were shining, and the light blooming all over his body dimmed the heavens, the sun and the moon, and the endless divine radiance burned the void and the universe.

The vast fist power shattered the universe, as if to become the only one in the world.

With this punch, the Great Emperor didn't have any hands left. Needless to say, he wanted to kill all the strong ones.

It's near!

Getting closer!

The smile on the Great Emperor's face became more and more ferocious, and his heart became more cheerful when he looked at the unreconciled group of strong men.

Qin Yi, no matter how strong you are, this seat will kill all your subordinates, but this seat will have to see how you will be your unstoppable emperor by then!

The Great Emperor Qingyuan and the vacuum Taoist followed closely behind, leaving no room for attacks.

However, unlike the Great Emperor, the two giants have been guarding against the possibility of the existence of the giants of the Emperor of the Unfallen Dynasty, but as they continue to approach, they have never seen the giants of the Emperor of the Unfallen Dynasty appear.

This made Qingyuan the two giants realize that the Buluo Emperor probably no longer has an existence above the giant level.

Similarly, this also irritated Qingyuan Great and the vacuum Daojun, and the attacks in their hands became more fierce.


Neither the Great Emperor nor Qingyuan Great nor Vacuum Daojun noticed that behind them, the Heilong Daojun and other giants seemed to join them to attack the powerhouses of the imperial imperial dynasty.

But Black Dragon Daojun and other giants approached them silently.

"Do it!"

Heilong Daojun sighed lightly, with no sadness or joy in his eyes, he stretched out his hand and stroked the blade of the divine sword in his hand.


This Yuan Zhan Yuan Divine Sword was originally a high-level imperial weapon refined by the Black Dragon Dao Monarch himself, and it was also his natal imperial weapon, and its might not be said to be tyrannical.

The Black Dragon Daojun stretched out his hand and stroked the Zhan Yuan Divine Sword, and the sword suddenly changed astonishingly.

Countless laws are drawn, intertwined into countless Dao patterns, imprinted on the sword body, all kinds of mysterious and powerful Dao rhyme flow, it seems that an all-encompassing world is evolving.

Holding the Zhanyuan Divine Sword in one hand, the Black Dragon Daoist is like holding a great world, and the entire great world is blessing him.

The sense of power comes out spontaneously.


Jier, the Black Dragon Daojun slashed down towards Emperor Qingyuan with a sword.

The Great Emperor Qingyuan suddenly shrank his pupils, and the warning signs in his heart rose. He only felt that a horrible sword intent that seemed to tear the world apart, enveloped him.

"Daoist Black Dragon, what are you doing?!"

The Great Emperor Qingyuan was frightened and looked at the Black Dragon Daojun in disbelief.

He never expected that the Black Dragon Daojun would take action against him, and what made him even more distraught was that Daojun Bailian, Daojun Hongyuan, Daojun Biluo also shot against Daxiang the Great and the vacuum Daojun.

Bai Lian Daojun shot against the vacuum Daojun, Hong Yuan Daojun and Biluo Daojun joined forces to shot the Daxiang the Great.

"Naturally kill you!"

Heilong Daojun's words are concise and concise, and he waved the sword of Zhan Yuan in his hand.


The tyrannical sword intent tore through the chaos, and a sword fell, it seemed that even the heavens and the world would be cut through, and the vast ocean-like power swept the sun and the moon.

At this moment, Emperor Qingyuan felt that his soul seemed to be trembling.

He and the Black Dragon Dao Sovereign's cultivation base is only between the first ones, and even a little bit inferior to the Black Dragon Dao Sovereign. In the face-to-face battle, he is not necessarily the Black Dragon Dao Sovereign opponent.

Not to mention, he was deliberately attacked by the Black Dragon Daoist, and he was caught off guard.

When he reacted, the Black Dragon Daoist had already arrived in front of him less than a hundred miles. For the giants of the sky, this distance was like among mortals, a person had already put a knife on his neck.

The Great Emperor Qingyuan never thought that the Black Dragon Dao Monarch would sneak attack on him, so he naturally had no defense against the Black Dragon Dao Monarch.

Moreover, he was just at the moment when the old power was gone and the new power was not born, he had no time to block the blow of the black dragon dao monarch, so he could only watch the black dragon dao monarch's sword fall.


Jianguang slashed down, breaking through the defense that Dao Monarch Qingyuan hurriedly laid, and directly penetrated thousands of miles of chaos, I don't know how many worlds it has smashed.

Even through the countless Chaos Dao, a group of powerful people on the side felt that their souls would be torn apart by this bright sword light.

"If you want to kill the essence, don't think about it!"

The Great Emperor Qingyuan gave a long roar, and did not dare to hesitate anymore, directly burning his original world, bursting out a more powerful force.

In the end, it was a giant of the heavens, and there was no lack of the fierceness that it should have. In only one ten millionth of an instant, the Qingyuan Great Emperor burned half of his original world.


The violent power sprayed out from all over his body, and his physical body seemed to be unable to bear the skyrocketing power, and fierce cracks appeared everywhere on his body.

However, Qingyuan Great Emperor didn't have time to care about this, but greeted the sword of the Black Dragon Daojun with a grim look.

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