Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3363: The shock of a group of strong


The avenue roared, blood stained with chaos.

In one side of the world, there was a pouring rain of blood pouring down.

In the eastern boundary, and even in the area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles near the eastern boundary, countless powerful people stared at all this in a daze.

The giants of the heavens themselves are beyond the long river of years, and are no longer restricted by Shouyuan. As long as they are not suffering from any indelible injury, the giants of the heavens are basically impossible to fall.

Among the heavens and the world, hundreds of tycoons who have lived for hundreds of epochs are not without them.

If you want to kill a giant, you must eliminate all the backhands it left behind, so that the giant can truly fall.

As long as there is a back hand that is not eliminated, that giant can use the back hand left by himself to grow up again.

In order to prevent the fall of one's own body, a giant of the heavens will inevitably lay out a lot of back-hands, and may even incarnate ten million, leaving a clone in the major realms.

If one of the clones is immortal, the giant will never truly fall!

Because the giants of the heavens are so difficult to kill, therefore, the emperors of the seventh realm are called the giants of the heavens and are admired by countless creatures.

Even forces at the level of Immortal Gods, Supreme Daoism, and Eternal Sacred Lands will give a certain amount of respect and will not offend at will.

Some giants of the heavens even choose to occupy the great world in the remote area of ​​the heavens and ten thousand realms, claiming to be the **** of creation, and enjoy the worship of the whole great world.

But at the moment.

In the Eastern Frontier, a giant of the heavens has fallen!

How can this make a group of strong people not shocked?

"How can it be?"

"How could a giant of the heavens fall so easily!"

"No, I don't believe this is true!"

Countless strong men who paid attention to this battle looked at this scene inconceivably, and they were beyond shock. It took a long time before they spoke.

Especially those strong cultivators who have just awakened, they are not willing to believe the scene before them.

The reason why these ascetics have been practising asceticism throughout their lives, is not the pursuit of surpassing the long river of time and becoming giants.

Even if you have been trapped in one place for countless years, just for practicing, there is nothing more to ask for than to break through the seventh realm.

However, what about now?

The giants of the heavens, the Great Emperor of the seventh realm has fallen in front of them, so what is their pursuit!

After struggling to pursue it for so long, in the end, he still couldn't escape the fall.

Some powerhouses were unwilling to believe that the Great Emperor had fallen at first, and regarded all of this as an illusory dream, but whether it was a dream or not, these powerhouses had long been determined in their hearts.

How could there be such a real dream, the fluctuations of the avenue cannot be faked, and the visions around it cannot be faked either.

In the end, these powerhouses can only reluctantly accept this fact.

Don't talk about these powerhouses, many East Xinjiang giants are also shocked.

"The Great Emperor, why did he fall?"

Jinwu Daojun and other giants felt the roar of the avenue, and quickly divided into a part of their minds to check what happened.

After seeing the situation clearly, my heart couldn't help but tremble.

A dignified giant of the heavens, the Great Emperor, who is not weak among the giants of the East, has fallen here!

Suddenly, the three giants such as the Golden Crow Daojun had a trace of fear in their hearts, and there was an urge to turn around and leave in their hearts.

However, how could the Bull Demon King allow them to leave, hit the Golden Crow Daojun to vomit blood with one punch, and had to constrain his mind, control the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, and block the Bull Demon King's attack.

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