Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3365: Emperor Qingyuan surrendered

For Qingyuan the Great, he knew very well that both the cultivation base and the combat power of the Great Emperor were far above him.

But at this moment, the Great Emperor has fallen into this battle.

If he were to be replaced by him, I am afraid he would end up in the same way as the Great Emperor.

‘However, where did the Great Emperor fall? ’

The Great Emperor Qingyuan thought while running away.

Daoist Biluo?

Mr. Hongwon?

Emperor Qingyuan recalled the battle just now when he saw Dao Monarch Biluo and Dao Monarch Hong Yuan jointly attacking Emperor Daxiang.

‘No, the strength of Daojun Biluo and Daojun Hongyuan are good, but they are also in the same position with me, so it is impossible to threaten the Great Emperor Daxiang. ’

Soon, Emperor Qingyuan denied this idea again.

Before leaving, he saw Emperor Daxiang the Great using his supernatural powers to raise his body to a level comparable to the eighth level.

Even if Dao Monarch Biluo joins forces with Dao Monarch Hong Yuan, it is impossible to kill the Great Emperor, and it is even impossible to wipe out all the descendants of the Great Emperor and let him fall.

If you want to completely kill the Great Emperor, at least Zhuntianzun's cultivation base is needed!

Only Zhuntianzun was able to wipe out all the descendants of the Great Emperor.

‘Don’t you fall into the emperor’s dynasty, there is still a quasi-tianzun sitting here? ’

A frightening thought flooded into Emperor Qingyuan's heart, and his soul trembled.

The Emperor Buluo dynasty has hidden so deeply, with this kind of background, this kind of strength, four overlords of the heavens, and one quasi-tianzun!


Thinking of this, the Great Emperor Qingyuan couldn't help swallowing, and the speed of escaping from the Eastern Frontier was also faster.

At this time, He understood everything.

From the very beginning, a group of giants of Eastern Xinjiang have fallen into the calculations of the imperial dynasty. Whether it is sending troops to attack the imperial dynasty or confronting the strong, the imperial dynasty has firmly suppressed the Jinwu Daoist and other forces.

Even if the Great Emperor broke the rules and attracted the powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire, everything was still under the control of the Emperor Bu Luo Empire.

No matter how many powerful people are sent by the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, as long as there is no Zhun Tianzun present, there will be no fear in the Buluo Emperor Dynasty where Zhun Tianzun is sitting.

As for the quasi-tianzun of the ten thousand gods, if he wants to set foot in the eastern frontier, his strength will inevitably be greatly suppressed, and it is impossible to have an advantage in the face of the quasi-tianzun of the imperial dynasty.

On the contrary, it is likely to be suppressed by Zhuntianzun of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty.

The impact of the closure of the main road is too great, the stronger the existence, the greater the impact.

If the quasi-tianzun of other realms set foot in the eastern boundary, its strength must be weakened by at least 30-40%, which cannot be eliminated by any secret method.

A quasi-tianzun that has been weakened by 30 to 40%, facing a quasi-tianzun with complete combat power, the four great kings of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine dynasty will come here, and I am afraid they will also lose.

Therefore, no matter what they do, from the beginning, the end of this battle is doomed.

"What a terrible calculation, what an imperial dynasty!"

Emperor Qingyuan smiled bitterly.

It stands to reason that the strength of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty can be regarded as a first-class power in the heavens and all realms, second only to the power of the Immortal God Dynasty.

It is the majority of the tribes of the gods and beasts. Except for the true dragons, the true phoenix, the unicorns, etc., except for a few races, most of the gods and beasts are just as powerful.

Even worse.

Who would have thought that a seemingly newly emerging power would have this inside story.

"However, these things have nothing to do with me."

Immediately, his gaze was fixed, and the speed of fleeing increased again.

No matter how terrible the imperial dynasty is, it is none of his business. As long as he can escape from the Eastern Frontier smoothly, he will never set foot in the Eastern Frontier again in the future.

As long as he does not enter the eastern frontier, no matter how great the imperial dynasty is, it will not be able to affect him, let alone threaten him.

No matter how powerful the Buluo Emperor Dynasty is a hundred times stronger, it is impossible to affect other realms.


At this moment, a chuckle suddenly sounded in his ears.


Emperor Qingyuan trembled and exclaimed in exclamation.

However, no one does not have his question, only the surrounding chaotic turbulence is surging, rolling up the chaotic storm in the sky.

Emperor Qingyuan's thoughts turned sharply, his eyes lighted, and he fled outside regardless.


The invisible fluctuations escaped, and in an instant, with Qingyuan Great as the center, the chaos in a radius of thousands of miles was suppressed, as if being pressed to suspend the health.

A strong and holy will fell, even with the cultivation base of the seventh realm of Qingyuan Great Emperor, under this will, it is like a grasshopper in amber, stagnant.

At this time, Emperor Qingyuan couldn't move half a minute, so he could barely move his eyes.

He looked up diligently and saw a big hand that stretched for thousands of miles above his head, poking out from an undetectable place.

The big hand is crystal clear like jade, countless laws flow in it, and hundreds of millions of fairy lights fall down like a waterfall.

At the same time, the Great Emperor Qingyuan seemed to have crossed countless chaotic roads and saw a pair of eyes that hung like the sun and the moon, overlooking the great red dust.

Indifferent and lofty, like a road!

"Zhun Tianzun..."

Emperor Qingyuan squeezed three words from his throat, his face was desperate.

How good and capable he was, he actually attracted a quasi-tianzun to take action in person.

He wanted to resist, wanted to break free from the suppression of this big hand, and madly run his own original power, but unfortunately, to no avail.


That big hand just shook slightly, and the vast power fell down, and the hundred million strands of immortal light directly crushed all his resistance.

Even though Emperor Qingyuan had expected it, he couldn't help but look lonely.

everything is over!

"Publishing the great oath, surrendering me not to fall into the imperial dynasty, can avoid death!"

The majestic voice floated from the depths of the chaos, and blasted into the ears of Emperor Qingyuan like thunder.


Great Emperor Qingyuan's expression changed, with a deep unwillingness on his face.

As a tycoon, there are countless existences in the Eastern Frontier. Since ancient times, he has been in charge of the Eastern Frontier.

"If you don't surrender, you will die!"

As if seeing Emperor Qingyuan's thoughts, the voice snapped.


With a gentle pressure on that big hand, it was like bursting a balloon, directly crushing the void of thousands of miles.

Ling Ran's murderous intent enshrouded Emperor Qingyuan.

", I am willing to surrender, I am clear, and I am willing to serve the imperial imperial dynasty, and be a minister of imperial imperial dynasty. If you violate it, you will suffer the calamity of the heart demon and the collapse of the heart. It!"

The Great Emperor Qingyuan was a jealous spirit, did not dare to have any hesitation, and immediately spoke.

The Great Dao of Heavens trembled, and the imprint fell into the center of Qingyuan Great Emperor's forehead.

The great oath, it's done!


With a big hand, Emperor Qingyuan was wrapped around and disappeared in place.

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