Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3376: Fifth news

"In the fifth piece of news, the Great Emperor and other giants personally acted on the strong men of the imperial dynasty, and are about to obliterate the strong men who do not fall to the imperial dynasty."

Sure enough, the fifth news came, confirming the speculation of many powerful people.

"It's a pity, I thought there would be a earth-shattering battle, who would have thought that this battle would end so quickly."

The emperor sighed with emotion.

Although at the beginning, many strong men expected the failure of the imperial dynasty to be defeated, but they did not expect that the imperial dynasty would be defeated so quickly.

First, there was a civil strife in his body, and then the overlord of the heavens behind him was also blocked.

The situation has completely turned in a direction that is not conducive to the imperial regime.

Many strong men have stood up and have no idea of ​​listening any more.

What happened later can be expected by many powerful people, even if in the end the Golden Crow Daojun and other tycoons of eastern borders can't help but not fall behind the overlord of the heavens behind the imperial dynasty.

The final result was nothing more than the departure of the overlord of the heavens and the tragic death of all the other powerhouses who did not fall in the imperial dynasty.

"It's too early to make a conclusion so early? Doesn't the one who doesn't fall in the emperor dynasty has the power of the giants of the heavens?"

Among the strong, some people spoke.

"Emperor Buluo defeated Emperor Richen, but he is only one person. How can he win against the remaining giants of Eastern Xinjiang such as Emperor Daxiang?"

As soon as this kind of remarks appeared, they were ridiculed by most powerful people.


The white-haired emperor sighed long, and didn't say anything at this time.

Obviously, the defeat of the imperial dynasty is a foregone conclusion.

No matter how strong the Emperor Fuluo is, he has the ability to defeat the Great Emperor Richen, but under such circumstances, he can't change anything.

Just like him at the beginning, in terms of the strength of cultivation, single-to-sing, none of the emperors who watched him were his opponents.

But so what?

Two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and a group of emperors are besieged, and it is fortunate to be able to escape a life.

‘Unless, the Lord of the Fallen Lord also has the power of the Overlord of the Heavens, but is this possible? ’

The white-haired emperor was amused by his thoughts while sipping a glass of Chinese wine.

How does the overlord of the heavens exist?

Even among such forces as the Immortal God Dynasty and the Supreme Taoist God Sect, they can be regarded as an absolute high-level, which one has not practiced for countless years.

From his rise to the present, it is said that he has only cultivated for less than five hundred years, so how can he become the overlord of the heavens?

Even if it is going through the entire history of the heavens and myriad realms, the existence of the overlord of the heavens can be cultivated in tens of thousands of years, but it is rare.

Moreover, these existences are all amazing talents of great luck, great opportunity, and great perseverance.

Identity, blood, and talents are all the best choices, such as the son of the **** of the gods, the direct disciple of the master of the gods, or the direct blood of the gods and beasts.

Only such a peerless evildoer with both status and status can cultivate into the overlord of the heavens within tens of thousands of years.

As for the cultivation of the overlord of the heavens in less than five hundred years, perhaps only the ancient existence that has been cultivated into the heaven now can it be possible.

But how could this unfalling emperor compare with Tianzun?

The best result of this unfalling emperor was just that, just like him, he escaped a life by chance and lingered in the heavens and worlds.


Just when everyone was about to leave, the soundtrack lights up again.

"The fifth piece of news, the imperial lord Qin Yi made a move and displayed supernatural powers, almost killing the Great Emperor!"

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