Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3378: Lucky or unfortunate

"Has the Ten Thousand Ways of God come?"

Hearing this news, the entire Wanfei Palace and even the entire Shangyang Realm were shocked.

A group of strong men showed horror and couldn't help taking a breath.

This is a God of Ten Thousand Ways!

The behemoth that dominates the eastern part of the central realm, the strongest **** dynasty, truly stands on the top of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

In the entire heavens and worlds, there are very few forces at the same level as the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Realms, and their background is unfathomable. I don't know how many powerhouses there are.

For the strong people present, if forces such as the Golden Crow Taoism are like stars in the sky, it is impossible to see.

Then the Ten Thousand Ways of Gods are like the great sun shining all over the sky. No matter when the Ten Thousand Ways of Gods are there, people cannot ignore, nor can they ignore it.

Forces such as the Golden Crow Taoism are like the difference between Haoyue and Firefly in front of Ten Thousand Dao Gods, and the gap between the two is like a chasm.

If the Ten Thousand Ways of God wanted to deal with the forces of the Golden Crow and Daoism, sending an army at will, it would be able to wipe out the forces of the Golden Crow and the Daoism!

Even without the Ten Thousand Dao Gods’ hands, as long as the Ten Thousand Daos Gods show relevant meanings, some forces that want to please the Ten Thousand Gods will take action and destroy the Jinwu Daoism and other forces.

In the history that everyone knows, there is a first-rate force named Qingxuanmen, because it rebelled against the Ten Thousand Ways of God, causing the Ten Thousand Ways of God to anger up and down.

The power named Qingxuanmen is not weak in strength. There is a quasi-tianzun, three heavenly overlords, and more than one-handed giants of the heavens. The power foundation can also rank in the forefront of the first-class forces .


The Ten Thousand Ways of God issued the next decree, and many forces around the Qingxuan Gate rallied to attack it, causing the gate to be broken.

In the end, the entire Qingxuan Gate was cut off even the inheritance, the glory was not there, and it was submerged in the long river of history.

Until now, few of the newly emerging powerhouses have heard of Qingxuanmen.

The majesty of Ten Thousand Gods is evident!

In the heavens and all realms, except for the forces of the same level, no forces at all dare to provoke the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire.

A strong man who walked out of the Ten Thousand Gods at will, was regarded as a guest by the major forces, and did not dare to think of offending.

Without falling to the imperial dynasty, did you actually attract the power of the ten thousand gods to take action?

"Should I say that it is the honor of not falling to the emperor's dynasty, or is it unfortunate?"

The emperor sighed with emotion.

In the past dozens of epochs, the Ten Thousand Dao Gods have fallen into silence after the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Lord retreats.

But it does not mean that the Ten Thousand Ways of God is no longer terrifying, once it is shot, it will be astonishing and unstoppable!

"Baiwu King and Taixu Taoist, these two are both famous powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, one of the four great kings, and the powerhouse among the quasi-tians.

The son of a God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways, the culprit behind the destruction of the Seven Prison Gates a hundred epochs ago, was named the King of Taixu. "

The silver-clothed emperor is amazed.

At the beginning, the Ten Thousand Dao Gods did not personally deal with the Qingxuan Sect, but only sent a decree to destroy the Qingxuan Sect.

In order to deal with the imperial imperial dynasty, Ten Thousand Dao Shen Dynasty actually sent two quasi-tianshen powerhouses, Baiwu King and Taixu Taoist.

Even if these two quasi-tianzun did not go there in person, it was amazing enough!

These two quasi-tianzuns can already sweep the eastern frontier with their shots, and the forces such as the Golden Crow Daoism will not necessarily be their opponents.

This is not to belittle the Eastern Xinjiang giants such as Jinwu Daojun, but a fact.

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