Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3381: guess

"In the Palace of Ten Thousand Fei, is there any news about the overlords of the heavens behind the imperial dynasty?"

The emperor asked.


The deacon of Wanfei Palace shook his head. He rummaged through the records of Wanfei Palace, but there was no record of the overlords of the heavens behind the Emperor Buluo Dynasty.

"There is no record in Wanfei Palace?"

At this moment, the powerhouses were even more shocked.

It is impossible for any strong man to jump out of the cracks in the rock.

Powerful at the level of the overlord of the heavens, the major forces of the heavens and the world have been concerned, and most of them have records.

Wanfei Palace will naturally also record the powers of the heavenly overlords, and it can be said that it is very detailed, and many heavenly overlords who have been enlightened for a long time are also recorded.

There is no record in Wanfei Palace, which means that the overlord of the heavens behind the imperial dynasty is likely to be the overlord of the heavens who broke through soon.

But this is even more shocking!

For the forces in the heavens and worlds, the more they stand in the heavens and the worlds, the more powerhouses will be born within the power.

After all, no matter how Tianjiao exists, it takes time to grow up.

It is the deities who stand on the top of the heavens, except for a few born and sacred beings, don't they also grow from weak and gradually to become deities?

The famous Emperor Buluo Dynasty has been passed down, and it has only been a few decades.

In just a few short decades, it was incredible that an evildoer like the Lord of the Fallen had appeared.

Not to mention, four heavenly overlords suddenly appeared.

"Unexpectedly, the Emperor Buluo Dynasty has this background. The four overlords of the heavens have great roads to seal the town. It is the plan of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty to deal with the Emperor Buluo. It may also fail."

The white-haired emperor laughed and drank a few more glasses involuntarily.

For him, seeing that the Emperor Buluo dynasty has the advantage and can survive this battle is like a long-cherished wish in his heart.

Unconsciously, he had already regarded the Buluo Emperor as the incarnation of the imperial dynasty he created at the beginning.

However, the difference is that the imperial dynasty he created has been shattered, and the Buluo imperial dynasty is likely to survive this battle.

With four overlords of the heavens sitting in the town, coupled with the existence of the great road sealing the town, the Ten Thousand Dao Gods wanted to deal with the imperial dynasty, relying solely on King Baiwu and Taoist Taixu, the two quasi-tianzun clones were not enough.

Unless the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty sends more than four quasi-tianzun pros to the eastern boundary, it is possible to suppress the imperial dynasty.

"Four newly risen overlords of the heavens, the Eastern Frontier, this seat remembers that the Eastern Frontier was occupied by the Seven Prison Gates hundreds of epochs ago."

"After the Seven Prison Gates were defeated by the Ten Thousand Dao Gods, the Seven Prison Gates retreated to the eastern boundary until the Seven Prison Heavenly Sovereign fell, and the Seven Prison Gate disappeared. By the Seven Prison Heavenly Sovereign's means, it is likely to be in the eastern boundary boundary during this time. The middle cloth lowers the backhand."

"The Buluo Empire has risen so quickly, is it the back hand left by the Seven Prison Gate?"

The silver-clothed emperor on the side was speculating on the origins of the overlords of the heavens in the Emperor Buluo Dynasty.

The more speculated, the brighter and brighter his eyes.

If the imperial dynasty did not have a relationship with the Seven Prison Gates, then everything made sense.

The overlords of the heavens in the Buluo Emperor Dynasty were actually one of the many powerful men remaining in the Seven Prison Gates.

After all, although the Ten Thousand Ways of the Gods defeated the Seven Prison Gates, it was impossible to wipe out all the powerhouses of the Seven Prison Gates, and there would always be fish that slip through the net.

Moreover, after the defeat of the Seven Prison Heavenly Sovereign, he also supported some of the Seven Prison Gate powerhouses to retreat into the eastern boundary, and many of them were giants of the heavens.

It is not impossible for these strong men to break through the ninth realm and become the overlord of the heavens after so many years.

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