Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3385: Nine Hun Gods

The Nine Chaotic God Sect is one of the ultimate Taoist religions in the heavens and ten thousand realms, and the Nine Chaotic Great Realm is the core of the Nine Chaotic God Sect.

Although the Nine Obscure God Sect only occupies a few large worlds such as the Nine Obscure Great Realm, it is far less powerful than the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, which controls most of the eastern part of the central realm.

However, in the heavens and ten thousand realms, no force has ever dared to look down upon the Nine Chaotic God Sect.

Within the Great Realm of the Nine Armies, towering cities rise from the ground, either majestic, ethereal, dusty, or agile and peaceful... The only thing in common with these cities is that they are ingeniously integrated with the world and perfectly integrated. Go into this big world and become a part of it.

In other words, these cities are built into a big formation connected with this big world!

The formation of heaven and earth.

Anyone who sees this great formation will marvel at this great formation, which connects the power of the earth vein, the power of the spirit vein, the aura between the heavens and the earth, and the aura of countless creatures.

Just like a sleeping behemoth, it constantly absorbs the aura from the chaos and injects it into this great realm. This is also one of the reasons why the concentration of aura in the Nine Chaotic Great Realm is so high.

Of course, this large formation is not only as peaceful as it seems on the surface, anyone can perceive the terror abilities hidden in the large formation.

If it broke out, it would be enough to destroy the world!

And the center of this huge formation is a huge mountain that ordinary people cannot describe its huge, straight into the blue sky.

Jiu Hun Mountain.

Endless clouds and mists are like jade belts, covering the Jiu Hun Mountain, and the palaces and pavilions are looming in it, floating like a palace in the sky.

There are a mouthful of fairy springs scattered all over the mountain, gathering hundreds of thousands of miles of spiritual energy, turning the essence of the sun and the moon into spring water, and ordinary people can live a thousand years by drinking one sip.

A disciple of the Nine Hun God Sect was cultivating in this cloud-filled Nine Hun Mountain, and many spirit beasts with terrifying aura scurried in the mountains.

Even, you can see countless plants and trees turning into essence, laughing everywhere in the mountain.

On the peak of Jiu Hun Mountain, there is a simple attic, hidden among countless luxuriant ancient trees, but there are countless laws lingering around the attic.


When the disciples of the Nine Chaotic God Sect walked through this attic, they could clearly perceive the terrifying breath coming from it, a sense of oppression that made people unconsciously want to kneel to the ground.

In the attic, there are two figures.

One sits cross-legged, and one stands behind that person with hands in a respectful posture.

The person sitting cross-legged, with black hair and shawl, looked indifferent. Looking at the bamboo slips in his hands, there was a faint smile on his face.

"Wan Dao Shen Dynasty planted? That guy Wan Dao sent a Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty four great kings, as well as his sons, personally shot against the imperial imperial dynasty, but failed to win?"

The voice of the person sitting cross-legged is faint, as if floating from the primitive wilderness, containing infinite vicissitudes, giving people unimaginable feelings.

If the Emperor Zhun stayed beside this one and listened to his preaching, within a year, he might be able to see the mystery of the avenue and knock on the emperor's gate.

Zhang Daobai knows that to his master, the emperor is as small as an ant, even in front of his master, he is still like a weed on the roadside, which can be crushed to death at will.

As long as his master is willing to breathe at will, he can obliterate unknown emperors.

Just because his master is the imaginary heavenly sovereign standing on the top of the heavens and in charge of the source of one!

The creator of the Nine Hun God Sect, Jiu Hun Dao Zun!

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