Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3387: The timing of the complete disappearance of the road closure

The reincarnation of thousands of times made him almost sink into it.

If he sinks into a dream, it means that he can finally break free of the dream, and he may also be deeply affected.

After all, the reincarnation again and again will have a certain impact on the nature of the creatures entering the dreamland, and the superposition of millions of times will have an impact on the Tianzun.

Of course, if you can break free from your dreams on your own, the benefits will be unimaginable.

"From the avenue to the public, a hundred epochs ago, the avenue was dropped down to seal the town, and all the existences above the seventh realm in the eastern border were sealed into the avenue, causing the decline of the eastern border."

"After the avenue is closed, Zhutian Avenue will naturally compensate the eastern boundary. Now the majestic luck of the eastern boundary is the compensation of Zhutian Avenue to the eastern boundary."

"Similarly, this remaining avenue is closed to the town, and it is also the shelter of Zhutian Avenue to the eastern boundary."

Dao Venerable Jiuhun didn't care about Zhang Daobai's thoughts, but slowly told the story.

"How long will the remaining road closure last?"

Zhang Daobai's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help asking.

This is also the most concerned issue among the powerhouses of the Nine Chaotic Gods.

After the East Frontier was unlocked on the avenue, the fortunes exploded. After opening up a great world, the strong and evildoers appeared in endlessly.

Even, there are rumors that in the era of the Eastern Frontier, there will be a great opportunity to achieve Tianzun, and if they get this opportunity, they can get a glimpse of the mystery of Tianzun.

Faced with such an opportunity, many quasi-tianzuns in the Nine Chaotic God Sect will also be tempted.

For the remaining roads and towns in the eastern boundary, it is an obstacle that prevents everyone from intervening in the eastern boundary, and it is regarded as a thorn in the eyes of the powerful.

And how long the remaining avenues and towns in the eastern frontier can disappear is the most concerned thing for all the strong.

Because of the influence of the Great Dao of Heavens, the powerhouses, even the Nine Chaotic God Sect who are best at deducing the secrets of heaven, cannot see how long the Dao will be closed before it will completely disappear.

But this does not include Tianzun. Using Tianzun's strength to deduct changes in the secrets of heaven is not a matter of grasping at hand.

"The time when the avenues in the eastern borders are closed and towns disappear does not depend on the avenues of the sky, it all depends on the creatures in the eastern borders.

Jiu Hun Dao Zun glanced at Zhang Daobai, and saw Zhang Daobai's mind clearly.

"Depends on the creatures within the Eastern Frontier?"

Zhang Daobai frowned, what did these words mean.

"When the avenues and towns in the eastern borders will disappear, it depends on when there is a quasi-tianzun in the eastern borders that can knock on the door of the heavens and trigger the calamity of the heavens.

When the creatures in the Eastern Frontier trigger the Tribulation of the Heavenly Lord, the roads and towns in the Eastern Frontier will disappear completely. "

Seemingly seeing the doubts in Zhang Daobai's heart, Jiu Hun Dao Zun opened his mouth to explain.


Upon hearing this, Zhang Daobai's expression sank.

For this, He was also unexpected.

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the opportunity to achieve Tianzun must belong to the creatures in the eastern boundary, and there is no possibility for the creatures in other realms to intervene?

"Dao Bai, it is one thing to get the opportunity to achieve the heavenly sovereign, it is one thing to trigger the calamity of the heavenly sovereign, but it is another thing to achieve the real achievement of the heavenly sovereign.

Enclosing the town on the avenue is a refuge, but when the enclosing the town on the avenue disappears, it is the creature in the eastern boundary who knocked on the gate of the heavenly sovereign, and the greatest disaster begins. "

Jiu Hun Dao Zun saw Zhang Daobai's worry at a glance, and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhang Daobai's heart was stunned, and he immediately understood the meaning of the Jiuhun Dao Zun.

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