Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3398: The shock of the Buddha


Datianzhi Buddha put his hands together and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

In the void, there seems to be a thousand red dust surging, greed, hatred, madness, and all kinds of worldliness are in it.

The vast Buddhist sounds filled the entire secret realm, as if turning the secret realm into a Buddhist land.

"Da Tian Zhi Buddha, do you want to be an enemy of my imperial court?"

Qin Yi raised his brows and said in a deep voice.

His voice is not huge, but it instantly overwhelms the Buddha's voice coming from the void.

A will to dominate the heavens and sweep across the world, sweeping through the entire secret realm, like a frenzy of extinction, directly annihilating the Buddha's soil in the void.

The domineering will, pressed towards the Buddha.

"The Lord Buluo misunderstood, the poor monk had no intention of this."

From the sky to the Buddha, he smiled, and the Zen sound collided with Qin Yi's voice in the void.

In one out of a million breaths, the power of the two had collided more than 10,000 times, finally eliminating Yuer.

‘The strength of this unfalling emperor is indeed not inferior to the overlords of the heavens, and even far stronger than the performance in the previous battle. ’

A thought passed from the sky to the Buddha's mind, with a solemn expression.

He also watched from a distance the battle between the Emperor Buluo Dynasty and Jinwu Taoism and other forces, and the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty.

However, his attention was more on Jin Chanzi, Monkey King, Niu Demon and other Heavenly Overlords of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty, and he did not pay much attention to Qin Yi.

It is not worthy of him to pay too much attention to the existence of the overlord level of the heavens with the help of external forces.

After all, Qin Yi's own realm was still a long way from the seventh realm.

But at this moment, when I saw Qin Yi, he knew that both him and the many brothers in the temple had underestimated this unfallen emperor.

In his eyes, Qin Yi's figure is not tall, but when he speaks, he dominates everything in front of him, and even his mind cannot be taken away by him.

It is as if Qin Yi is the center of the heavens and worlds, sitting on the heavenly emperor above the nine heavens, overlooking the great thousand.

The universe and galaxies, the laws of thousands, and the avenues of the heavens all follow him.

All existence that disobeys his will are criminal officials!

Moreover, the whole world seems to be blessing it, causing Qin Yi's momentum to skyrocket, and it faintly means breaking through the quasi-tianzun realm.

Do not.

Qin Yi's breath has already surpassed Zhuntianzun's realm!

Datianzhi Buddha's pupils shrank, and a horrified thought flashed in his heart, that his deity came to him, and he would not be able to win Qin Yi even without considering the road closure.

This is amazing.

Not to mention, he has stepped into the quasi-tianzun for more than twenty epochs, and his strength and foundation are not weak among the many quasi-tianzun in the heavens and the world.

In other words, Qin Yi's combat power is firmly standing above the quasi-tianzun, even if the ordinary quasi-tianzun is not necessarily his opponent.

This is much stronger than Qin Yi's combat power in the previous battle!

‘Is this unfalling emperor hiding his clumsiness? He was a quasi-tianzun himself, rather than the weak and weak that appeared on the outside. With such an aura, it could not be just an emperor who didn't even have the seventh realm. ’

Datianzhi was shocked.

No matter what he thinks, in his eyes, he is just an emperor who has just broken through the fourth realm, and he is still several realms away from the seventh realm.

But the more so, the more he felt that Qin Yi was unfathomable.

Even if he can hide it, Qin Yi's methods are not unpowerful.

But Qin Yi's unusual aura reveals Qin Yi's details.

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