Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3384: The heavens shake

The battle between the Buluo Empire and Jinwu Taoism and other forces attracted the attention of countless powerful people from the very beginning.

As soon as this battle was over, the Buluo Emperor defeated the Jinwu Daoist and other forces, and at the same time, the news of defeating the powers of the Ten Thousand Dao Gods immediately blasted through the entire eastern frontier.

Even, quickly spread to the surroundings.

As if a hurricane swept through, shaking many realms.

The name of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty also shocked many realms. If the Emperor Buluo Dynasty only defeated the Jinwu Daoist and other forces, it might not have such a big impact.

But the powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty were also defeated by the imperial imperial dynasty, which made many forces have to take it seriously.

Although the Golden Crow Taoism and other forces are strong, only the giants of the heavens in the seventh realm are in charge, and their reputation is limited to some areas near the eastern frontier.

The Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire is different. This is a huge monster that dominates the eastern part of the central realm. Its strength is profound and far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

In it, there is a background of Tianzun's suppression, and it is one of the most powerful top forces in the heavens and all realms.

In order to deal with the imperial imperial dynasty, the Ten Thousand Dao God dynasty sent two quasi-tianzun clones, and five heavenly hegemons.

Even with such a lineup, the Ten Thousand Dao Shen Dynasty was still defeated, and it could not help that the powerhouses were not shocked, and they were shocked by the background displayed by the imperial dynasty.

"Four overlords of the heavens, a possible quasi-tianzun, hiss, this kind of strength, the imperial dynasty is enough to rank into the ranks of the first-class forces in the heavens and ten thousand realms."

A well-informed emperor from the central realm sighed.

"Yes, who would have thought that a wasteland could rise to a first-class power."

On the side, this emperor's friend was also amazed.

To the strong in the Central Territory, the Eastern Territory is like a remote wasteland, a place like a small country town, naturally arrogant, and look down on the strong in the Eastern Territory.

However, these powerful people in the central realm are not fools, and they still remain in awe in the face of a powerful existence.

At least, the strength of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty deserves their respect.

In any case, after this battle, the name of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty completely entered the eyes of the major forces of the heavens and the world.

If it is said that before this battle, the name of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty was at best spread in the eastern borders and some nearby areas.

So now, not to mention that the forces in the entire eastern frontier know the name of the Buluo Empire, at least the forces above the second-rate in the heavens and ten thousand worlds all know the name of the Buluo Empire.

In the heavens and worlds, any power with the overlord of the heavens is worthy of the attention of the major powers, not to mention the imperial dynasty that defeated the ten thousand gods!

The record of the imperial imperial dynasty is also placed before the eyes of those who are in charge of the great forces of the heavens and the world.


Nine muddy realms.

This big world is suspended in the chaos, and countless chaotic spirits linger around the big world like a dragon, swallowing and vomiting thousands of inspirations.

Countless laws are exposed, and a statue like a **** and demon appears from time to time, or tells the truth of the world, or evolves supernatural powers, or moves mountains and seas...

The concentration of aura in this great realm has reached an astonishing level, and there are countless existences above the realm of saints proving the Dao here, leaving behind the rhyme of their own body.

Any creature born in this realm does not need to practice, as long as it grows up, it is possible to have a cultivation base comparable to that of the True Primal Realm, which is not terrifying!

Similarly, this great realm is also where the Nine Chaotic God Sect is located.

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