Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3399: Surprising conclusion

Qin Yi himself is a powerful quasi-tianzun!

This is the conclusion reached by the Datianzhi Buddha.

Although Qin Yi's revealed realm was only the fourth realm, his aura was comparable to the mighty quasi-tianzun.

This weirdness can only be explained by Qin Yi himself as Zhun Tianzun.

‘If the Lord of the Fallen Lord is the quasi-tianzun himself, many things may be explained. ’

The light flashed from the sky to the Buddha's eyes.

At the beginning, he was very surprised that the many giants above the seventh realm in the Emperor Buluo Dynasty were willing to be driven by Qin Yi.

You know, the emperor who is above the seventh realm, who is not the arrogant generation, is unwilling to subdue to others.

Unless the opponent's strength is far better than his own, these giants above the seventh stage have the possibility of surrendering to the opponent.

And if Qin Yi only had the cultivation base of the fourth stage, even if he had the means to burst out with a strength comparable to that of the ninth stage hegemon, after all, he was only a fourth stage emperor.

How could it be possible to suppress many tycoons and let the overlords of the heavens who did not fall into the imperial dynasty willingly surrender?

But if Qin Yi himself is a quasi-tianzun, everything makes sense.

‘I don’t know, is the quasi-tianzun who killed the Great Emperor in the previous battle, is this the emperor who is not falling, or is there someone else? ’

From the great sky to the Buddha's eyes flickered, his thoughts turned sharply.

This difference affects their attitude towards the Emperor Buluo Dynasty.

If the Zhuntianzun who killed the Great Emperor was Qin Yi himself, even though he was unexpected, he could still face Qin Yi according to the strategy formulated in the temple at the beginning.

But if the Zhuntianzun who killed the Great Emperor was not Qin Yi, then their attitude towards Qin Yi and the imperial imperial dynasty must be changed.

There are two quasi-tianzuns and two quasi-tianzuns. These are two concepts.

If there is only one quasi-tianzun sitting in town, it will be much easier for them to target the imperial dynasty.

You only need to draw out the quasi-tianzun behind the Emperor Buluo Dynasty, you don't need to defeat the opponent, just drag the opponent, and you can deal with the Emperor Buluo Dynasty.

But if there are two quasi-tiansuns in the imperial dynasty, it is not that difficult to deal with the two quasi-tiansuns under the condition that there are roads to seal the town.

Even the Buddhism behind him can't necessarily do this.

After all, the existence of Dadao's closure of the town restricts Buddhism's plan to allow a large number of powerful people to enter the eastern boundary.

And without the support of so many powerful people, it is not a simple matter to deal with the Buluo Emperor Dynasty who has two quasi-tianzuns.

"If you don't fall to the emperor, the poor monk has no intention of becoming an enemy."

From the great sky to the Buddha's mind, the thoughts turned sharply, but on the surface it was calm and calm.

"That's good!"

Qin Yi smiled faintly, and his body slowly fell silent: "I don't know if the Buddha came to me and I won't fall into the imperial court, why?"

"The poor monk is here for the cooperation of the imperial imperial dynasty."

The big sky to the Buddha smiled slightly.


Qin Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, cooperation. The poor monk came on behalf of Buddhism. He wants to form an alliance with the Buluo Empire. As long as the emperor agrees to my Buddhism preaching in the eastern borders, my Buddhism can send a strong man to resist the Buluo Empire from others. The powerhouse of the realm."

Datianzhi Buddha said with a smile.

"Oh? It seems that Buddhism is very sincere about this matter."

Hearing this, Qin Yi squinted his eyes slightly, his eyes flickering.

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