Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3406: Gains and losses, in the trade-off

"What does Buddhism want to do?"

"Don't Buddhism want to take action against me, a bunch of thieves are all damned!"

"Sure enough, all the Buddhist monks except Master Jin Chanzi are ambitions!"

The strong are filled with indignation.

However, many of those who do not fall into the power have no intention of rushing to intervene.

The combat power displayed by the Great Heaven to the Buddha is already comparable to the ninth realm of the overlords of the heavens, and only a few of the strongest ones have this combat power.

If other strong ones intervene, they will probably be suppressed by the Datianzhi Buddha backhand.

What's more, the Buddha was at a disadvantage and was suppressed by the golden cicada.

Many people who do not fall to the strong have no intention of doing things, but suppress the aftermath of the escape and protect the mountains and rivers.

At the same time, there are also strong people who listen to Fengwei recognize the great heaven to the Buddha, and pass the news to many strong people who have not fallen.

"Big Heaven to Buddha? Huh, it's Buddhism again. No matter which world you are in, this Buddhism will never go away!"

Monkey King snorted coldly, and looked at the Buddha with ferocious eyes.

How can he have a good impression of Buddhism?

You must know that it was the Tathagata who suppressed him at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain and suffered humiliation. Guanshiyin used a golden hoop to force him to restrain him.

If it were not for the help of the emperor, he would be able to break free from the shackles of Buddhism.

Otherwise, at this moment, he is still fighting against the Buddha by Buddhism, not the Monkey King.

"However, after Jin Chanzi killed that Tang monk, although he lost his good thoughts, his cultivation level was more pure, and his cultivation level was greatly improved, and he might be able to re-enter the Buddha soon."

Monkey King looked up and down the golden cicada with a pair of fiery eyes.

He is not very familiar with Jin Chanzi, but he also has a certain understanding.

Before he was conscripted by the emperor, the time he was at was the end of his westward journey. The four masters and disciples entered the Da Lei Yin Temple and enjoyed the Buddha status.

He was supposed to be the fighting and defeating Buddha of the Buddhist monastery on the Westward Journey, although he would be blessed by the luck on the westward journey, and his cultivation base would greatly advance and become the fighting and defeating Buddha.

But this is not what he wants. If he becomes a fighting and defeating Buddha, he will become a running dog of the Buddhist monk on the westward journey.

In the future, even due to the influence of Buddhism's Attainment Status, the chance of breaking through Daluo is slim, and my life can only be trapped under Daluo Golden Wonderland.

It was just because of the great power of the Buddhist monastery on the Westward Journey that he had to agree.

Fortunately, with the help of the emperor, he broke away from the mythical world of Journey to the West, and came to the heavens and worlds, and then he broke free from the shackles of the Buddhist School of Journey to the West.

When he escaped from the mythical world of Journey to the West, the monk Tang had already accepted the Buddhahood of Tantan merits from Buddhism, stepped up to the sky from a mortal, and attained the Buddhahood.

This golden cicada had also been refined by Monk Tang and became the other's body of kind thoughts.

But now, the golden cicada had regained consciousness, and after killing Tang Seng this kind-minded body, he obtained great benefits.

Perhaps in the future, when Jin Chanzi is in the Great Luojing, it will cost more to cut out the good thoughts, but the practice before the Great Luojing. Jin Chanzi can be described as a smooth journey.

"Between gain and loss, there is no good or bad, only a choice."

Monkey King sighed softly.

Jin Chanzi's choice is not good or bad.

However, he still agrees with Jin Chanzi's choice.

If Jin Chanzi didn't kill Tang Seng, perhaps because everyone worked for the emperor together, he wouldn't say anything, but he would look down on Jin Chanzi.

Not to mention, after Jin Chanzi killed Tang Seng, he basically opened up the road to Daluo Jinxian.

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