Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3420: The murderous intent of the Buddha

A ray of divine thought had such a terrifying power, making Qin Yi's will almost silent.

We must know that although Qin Yi is still in the fourth state, he has already surpassed most of the quasi-tians in essence!

The blessings of the Heavenly Dao Clone and the Eternal Clone made Qin Yi's essential foundation stronger than most of the quasi-tianzun in the heavens and ten thousand realms.

Not to mention other things, the nature of the Heavenly Dao clone alone is far superior to the general quasi-tianzun.

Qin Yi is still like this, changing to another creature under the Heavenly Venerable, at this time, I am afraid that he has already lost all resistance.

For example, Jin Chanzi on the side has fallen into a coma at this moment!


At the same time, the power of the Heavenly Dao clone was also transmitted along the soul's connection.

Qin Yi then broke free from the suppression of this ray of spiritual thoughts, and recovered.

"Huh? Can you recover from the spirit of this seat?"

The Buddhism Tianzun in the Three Realms Treasure Wheel also let out a startled suspicion, with a slightly surprised expression.

Even if there is a weakening of the avenues and towns across the countless Chaos Dao, his power has actually been weakened to the extreme.

But even so, his power can hardly resist the creatures under the heaven.

Not to mention, in his eyes, Qin Yi in the fourth realm is just an ant that he can erase with a single thought.

Never thought that Qin Yi could recover his sanity under the suppression of his aura. This alone surpassed most of the quasi-celestial beings in the heavens and ten thousand realms.

To a certain extent, Qin Yi's ability to withstand his breath also means that Qin Yi already possesses some of the qualities of Tianzun.

At least, Qin Yi's spirit possesses a trace of Tianzun's characteristics.

Otherwise, Qin Yi would not be able to recover from his breath.

And possessing this trace of Tianzun's traits shows that Qin Yi is far more hopeful than most quasi-tianzun to break through Tianzun.

In fact, this Buddha's Tianzun's guess is not wrong.

Qin Yi possesses the Heavenly Dao clone, which is currently undergoing transformation. If the transformation is successful, the Tiandao clone will transform into the Heavenly Dao in the Great Thousand World, or it can be called the Great Thousand Dao.

At that time, the essence of Tiandao clone was not inferior to ordinary Tianzun.

It is the Heavenly Dao avatar that has truly transformed now, and now has some of the essence of Daqian Dao.

These manifestations in Qin Yi's body are that Qin Yi's spirit possesses a trace of the essence of Heavenly Venerable.

"A mere fourth-level emperor, should he have such characteristics?"

Buddhism Tianzun's expression sank.

Originally, this Buddhism Tianzun was only because of the abnormal movement of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, which caused him to stay behind in the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, so he dropped a ray of divine thought.

At the first sight of Qin Yi, he recognized Qin Yi.

Now that the biggest power in the Eastern Frontier, the ruler of the Emperor's dynasty, this is worthy of his attention.

But he didn't expect Qin Yi to have such an essence.

Everyone who can be in the emperor realm has a trace of the essence of Tianzun, wherever it is placed, the power is a peerless evildoer, and it is a Taoist and Taoist girl who focuses on training.

With a little training, there is the possibility of breaking through the heavens!

There are only a few such figures in Buddhism history.

As long as these few did not fall, they all grew up to be the gods of Buddhism.

In other words, if Qin Yi is allowed to grow up, he is likely to grow into a deity.

Moreover, he is still a strong man who hates Buddhism.

‘No, I must not let this son grow, otherwise, I will add another enemy in the future! ’

This Buddhist Tianzun's eyes were sharp, and murderous intent surged.

You can't let Qin Yi grow up anymore. In an instant, this Buddhist Tianzun had an idea.

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