Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3433: The scruples of the Great Nirvana Buddha

"The imperial dynasty..."

The Great Nirvana Buddha whispered with a trace of coldness.

The Three Realms Treasure Wheel is self-evident to him, who has no Heavenly Sovereign Tool so far.

If the refining of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel is successful, it will not only add a Heavenly Venerable Device suppressing background to his vein, but also enhance his own combat power.

The difference between a Tianzun who holds a Tianzun device in his hand and a Tianzun who does not have a Tianzun device in his hand is not the same.

The blessing of Tianzun device to Tianzun is not as simple as one plus one.

A Heavenly Venerable Device at its peak, if it is fully awakened, its combat power may not be much inferior to most Void Immortal Heavenly Venerables.

And the Tianzun who holds the Heavenly Sovereign Device in his hand, with the blessing of the Heavenly Sovereign Device, will increase his combat power.

Especially when this Tianzun holds a Tianzun weapon that fits with the great avenue held by his body, his combat power will be unimaginably improved.

The Three Realms Treasure Wheel is the Buddha of the Great Nirvana, prepared for himself, and is the most suitable heavenly device for Nirvana.

If the Three Realms Treasure Wheel can be cultivated as a Heavenly Venerable Device, he will be able to leap into a strong one among the Heavenly Venerable.

Holding the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, even those veteran Tianzun who have been enlightened for countless years can also fight.

We must know that the Great Annihilation Buddha has only been enlightened in dozens of epochs, and he can only be regarded as a new powerhouse among the many deities.

For Tianzun, there is no enlightenment for hundreds, or even thousands of epochs, that would not be considered a veteran Tianzun.

The Three Realms Treasure Wheel can narrow the gap between him and these veteran celestial beings and bridge the gap of hundreds of epochs. It can be seen how much he holds for his plus.

Now that the treasure wheel of the Three Realms has been left, it is all about letting his plans fail.

It is conceivable that for the culprit responsible for all this, the anger in the heart of the Buddha of the Great Annihilation is not falling.

But to deal with the imperial imperial dynasty, the difficulty is extraordinary.

"One quasi-tianzun, four heavenly overlords, and seven **** heaven-sovereigns that may be left behind."

The eyes of the Great Nirvana Buddha flickered, and he couldn't help but feel a headache.

If such a force is in another realm, he will kill it as soon as possible and retake the Three Realms Treasure Wheel.

But the eastern frontier is different.

The road blockade has not been completely lifted, and even if he personally took action, he may not be able to avoid falling to the imperial dynasty.

If a strong man at his level of the Celestial Realm, if he personally set foot in the Eastern Frontier, it will undoubtedly touch the entire highway in the Eastern Frontier to close the town.

At that time, it would be equivalent to his own great way to compete with the great ways of the heavens!

How great is the Avenue of the Heavens?

It is a collection of countless great avenues, and the horror of its power is far beyond the imagination of Tianzun realm.

Even if Tianzun is in charge of a source, it is actually just one of the numerous avenues of the avenues of heavens.

With one avenue, competing against countless avenues, the result is self-evident.

From being knocked to the realm, from being down!

This is also the reason why many deities in the heavens and ten thousand realms are unwilling to set foot in the eastern frontier.

Sending one's own clone to the eastern frontier will also attract the suppression of the avenues and towns, and suppress the combat power of its clone to several realms.

The combat power of its clone may not be as good as the ordinary quasi-tianzun.

In this case, if he rashly took action, let alone suppressing the imperial imperial dynasty, the clone that was dispatched might also be suppressed by the imperial imperial dynasty like the divine mind clone.

If you want to deal with the imperial dynasty, you must take a long-term view.

Otherwise, it is very likely that he will lose his wife and break down. This is not the situation that the Great Annihilation Buddha wanted to see.

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