Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3437: Kylin

"Gong Lingshang, but Ya Ya asked you to find me?"

Qin Yi glanced at the fairy Lingshang who was about to kneel on the ground, and spoke lightly.

As he opened his mouth, the momentum in the Chenglong Hall lightened, allowing Fairy Lingshang to breathe.

"The concubine did not come by the order of Princess Xiyue, but by the order of the chief of my clan."

Fairy Lingshang gave a slight salute and said.

"The patriarch of the Kylin clan?"

Qin Yi's eyes condensed, his expression straightened.

For the patriarch of the Qilin clan, Listening Fengwei's intelligence also mentioned that he was a ninth realm overlord of the heavens, and his strength should not be underestimated.

And according to the news heard by Fengwei, the patriarch of the Qilin tribe is probably the father of Qin Yaya's biological mother.

That is Qin Yaya's grandfather.

"I wonder why the patriarch of the Kylin clan sent you here?"

Qin Yi asked lightly.

For the patriarch of the Kylin clan, Qin Yi also had a little understanding of the side.

According to the news from Zhao Yun, the patriarch of the Kylin tribe treated Qin Yaya quite well, and did not despise Qin Yaya because of the impure bloodline.

On the contrary, it was for Qin Yaya to block the pressure from the Qilin tribe.

In the Qilin tribe, the value of one's own blood is far beyond the imagination of ordinary creatures.

Even among the clan of these gods and beasts, the status is divided by the concentration of one's own blood. The higher the concentration of the blood, the higher the status in the clan.

On the contrary, the more complicated the blood, the lower the status.

As a descendant of the patriarch of the Kylin clan, Qin Yaya should naturally be respected in the Kylin clan.

But because of the impure blood of Qin Yaya, many strong Qilin tribes looked down upon him, and even some strong Qilin tribe spoke and asked Qin Yaya to be expelled from the unicorn tribe.

And the patriarch of the Kylin clan came forward to stop these pressures.

Otherwise, Qin Yi had already sent someone to bring Qin Yaya back from the Kylin clan.

Qin Yaya is his daughter, how could he sit and watch Qin Yaya being bullied?

In the eyes of others, the Qilin Clan is a giant, but in Qin Yi's eyes, it is nothing more than that.

If he dared to make Qin Yaya wronged, he wouldn't mind shooting the Qilin Clan.

With the current strength of the imperial dynasty, facing the Qilin clan, it would not be half a point.

Not to mention other things, even Qin Yi himself made the shot himself, and he could also suppress the entire Qilin clan.

Although the Qilin clan is as famous as the true dragons and the true phoenix clan, and many other top beasts, the Qilin clan is far inferior to the true dragons and the true phoenix clan in terms of strength.

In the final analysis, it is because there is no Tianzun-level powerhouse in the Qilin clan.

It is said that the Qilin tribe originally had a Tianzun-class Qilin ancestor sitting in town, but during a certain turmoil in the ancient times, the Qilin ancestor fell.

There is no Tianzun-level powerhouse, and the Qilin clan has slowly declined.

However, because of the powerful blood of the Qilin clan, the Qilin clan can continue to be passed down, and it has not been submerged in the long river of history like the seven prison gates.

It's just that no Tianzun was born.

And Qin Yi wanted to deal with the Qilin tribe who didn't have Tianzun.

Just let the eternal clone go with the five-party Thunder God wheel, and it will be enough to suppress the Qilin Clan!

Even if the Kirin family has the foundation left by the true ancestor of the Kirin, Qin Yi can suppress it.

If the five-way Thunder God's Treasure Wheel, which is almost transformed, is fully awakened, it can be comparable to the highest quasi-tianzun under the heavenly sovereign.

As long as there is no Tianzun-level power to stop him, Qin Yizu can sweep Invincible!

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