Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3441: Embarrassing question

Chaos and void, chaos and disorder, endless chaotic storms are sweeping everywhere all the time.

In this boundless and vast chaos, I don't know how many worlds are conceived.

There is a small thousand world that can only carry the birth of a strong celestial being, a middle thousand world that can carry the power of the saint realm, and a big thousand world that can carry the virtual gods...

The world is like the sands of the Ganges River in the vast worlds of the heavens.

Under the blowing of the chaotic storm, countless worlds were born and died every moment.

Moreover, the Small Thousand World and the Middle Thousand World do not exist forever, and there are also limits to the number of lifespans.

When the number of lifespans is reached, and the small world and the middle world fail to transform into the big one, these worlds will usher in the limit of heaven and earth and return to death.

Only a world that reaches a large number of thousands can escape the influence of lifespan.

This is also when the major forces of the heavens and worlds assess their respective spheres of influence, most of them use how many large worlds are controlled by the various forces as the evaluation standard.

The more the world controlled, the more prosperous its power.

On the contrary, it will decline.


In the chaos, a crimson boat cut through the void.

Streaks of scarlet flames lingered around the small boat, and various visions evolved from time to time to shelter the small boat.

As stable as Mount Tai in the endless chaotic turbulence, no matter the chaotic storm raged, the boat was not affected in any way.


The speed of the boat was extremely slow, but it was actually incredibly fast.

With a light shake, one-tenth of a breath, he has already crossed a million Chaos Dao, and is faster than the average seventh-level and eighth-level giants of the sky.

On the small boat, there are two figures sitting cross-legged.

One man and one woman.

One, like the emperor sitting cross-legged, with an indescribable domineering attitude.

One, wearing a palace dress, cautiously served beside the man.

"The Kirin tribe is worthy of being a force that has been handed down since ancient times. It has a profound background, as can be seen from this small boat."

Qin Yi glanced at the small boat sitting down, and a thought flashed in his heart.

Now the small boat he and Fairy Lingshang are riding in is a treasure of the Qilin clan that Fairy Lingshang took out, and the rank is in the middle-tier imperial weapon.

Although the rank is not too high, but its speed is not slow.

The chaos is vast, and the distance between each world may exceed hundreds of millions of miles, not to mention, the distance between the two realms may exceed hundreds of millions of chaotic roads.

Fairy Lingshang can't cultivate in the third realm. With his cultivation, it would even take several years to cross the two realms.

That is to say, by relying on this small boat, Fairy Lingshang can rush from the Qilin tribe to the Tianyao Continent within a few days.

After leaving the Tianyao Continent, Fairy Lingshang took out this small boat and used it as a car for the two, and drove towards the Qilin Clan.

Originally, Qin Yi planned to use his own power to take him and Fairy Lingshang to the Qilin Clan.


There is a very embarrassing question.

Qin Yi's speed is not fast. In the final analysis, the eternal clone's combat power may be extraordinary. With the Slashing Gourd in hand, its combat power is comparable to the eighth-level giants and even the ninth-level overlords of the heavens.

But in fact, the cultivation base of the eternal clone is only the fourth realm.

With the cultivation base of the eternal clone, without urging Zhanxian Gourd, his speed will be faster than Lingshang Fairy.

In other words, if we continue at this speed, it will take at least one or two years for Qin Yi and Fairy Lingshang to reach the Kylin clan.

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