Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3444: Pan September


Through the chaos through the sky boat, the speed is extremely fast, and it traverses thousands of chaotic roads in a flash.

A group of powerful people in the central realm saw Chuantianzhou, and they chose to avoid it.

For the strong people of the Kylin tribe, many strong people dare not offend.

Of course, there are also strong men who are not against the Qilin tribe. When they saw Chuantianzhou, they did not choose to avoid them, but greeted them carelessly.

No, there is a huge monster lying in the chaos, blocking the way of Qin Yi and the two of them.


A giant head that is only ten thousand li tall, stirs in the chaos, rolling up chaotic storms.

This is a beast with three giant heads, resembling a dog but not a dog. It occupies hundreds of thousands of miles of chaos, and is even bigger than the average continent.

‘Three Pan Mastiffs. ’

Qin Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at this fierce beast with interest.

This fierce beast, or sacred beast, is a clan of the three gods and beasts, a clan of three pan mastiffs.

In terms of blood, the tribe of the three-piece pan mastiff is inferior to many top beasts such as the unicorn and true dragons, but it is second only to the top beasts.

According to the news searched by Tingfengwei, the tribe of the three pan mastiffs also has a quasi-tianzun, and it is a first-class power in the heavens and ten thousand realms.

Moreover, the tribe of the three Pan Mastiffs had feuded with the Qilin clan dozens of epochs.

Since dozens of epochs, the fighting between the two clans has never stopped.

Down to the new generation of Tianjiao, up to the two clans, and even the repressive Zhun Tianzun, there are also records of fighting.

It's not surprising that these first three Pan Mastiffs will block Chuan Tianzhou.

"Who should this seat be? It turned out to be a fairy of the Qilin tribe?"

Six scarlet eyes, their eyes fell on Fairy Lingshang.

"Pan Jiuyue, my concubine has no time to entangle with you. Get out of the way, otherwise, don't blame the concubine for being impolite!"

Fairy Lingshang's eyes were cold, and suddenly stood up, his body rising up.

While talking, Fairy Lingshang carefully glanced at Qin Yi on the side, and he was relieved to see that Qin Yi was just watching by the old god.

In her eyes, Qin Yi has been regarded as an existence equal to the Great Elder.

Even if it was just a clone here, she did not dare to offend it. If Qin Yi got angry because of Pan Jiuyue, it would not be a good thing.

Simply, Qin Yi didn't get angry, which made her feel a little relieved.

‘September must be driven away, otherwise, this one will be offended, but it will not end well. ’

Looking at Pan Jiuyue again, Fairy Lingshang couldn't help but sharpen her gaze.


Its aura is connected with the piercing boat sitting down, and a terrifying aura burst out, pressing towards Pan Jiuyue.


Pan Jiuyue didn't expect that the fairy Lingshang would do it when he said that he did it. He couldn't touch it, and his huge body was rushed by the aura of the fairy Lingshang, and was directly blown away by this momentum.

After tens of thousands of miles in the chaos, Pan Jiuyue stopped his figure.

"Gong Lingshang!"

Pan Jiuyue's six eyes were scarlet, and he let out an earth-shattering roar.

The huge body is constantly stirring in the chaos, wantonly venting his own anger.

The huge fluctuations spread, and instantly shook the chaotic void of thousands of miles.

For a time, many strong people in this range were surprised at first, and then quickly avoided.

The battle between the Qilin tribe and the three panmastiff tribes is not a battle they can intervene in. If it is affected, it will be bad luck.

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