Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3453: The plight of the unicorns

Along the way, among the many cities in the unicorn world, Qin Yi saw more of the descendants of pure-blood unicorns and other races.

The descendants of the human race, the true dragon race, the celestial swallow race... and so on.

The closer to the center of the Kylin World, the more pure-blooded unicorns grow.

At first, Qin Yi was a little surprised. He originally thought that there would only be pure-blooded unicorns in the unicorn world.

However, after thinking about it again, Qin Yi was suddenly stunned.

Although it is said that a pure-blooded unicorn can become an emperor when it reaches adulthood, it is also because of this that it is extremely difficult for a pure-blooded unicorn to breed offspring.

Two pure-blooded unicorns may not give birth to a single offspring until they die, and because of this, the unicorn family is almost extinct.

According to Fairy Lingshang, when the Qilin clan was almost extinct, an ancestor of the Qilin clan came up with a wonderful way.

Just like the true dragons, the Qilins are allowed to marry with other races in order to continue the blood of the Qilins.

At first, the Kylin clan did not agree with this approach. Most pure-blooded unicorns believed that doing so would contaminate the blood of the Kylin clan.

The descendants born from marriages with other races, to some extent, are no longer members of the Kylin clan.

Even if some of these descendants can rely on their own efforts to purify their blood and become true pure-blooded unicorns.

But such descendants of the Kylin tribe are only a minority after all.

More kylin descendants cannot become true pure-blood kylins.

Moreover, the Kylin clan is different from the true dragon clan.

Dragons are inherently obscene. Most of the members of the True Dragon clan are sentimental and like to keep seeds everywhere, so that the blood of the True Dragon clan is spread everywhere in the heavens and all realms.

However, most of the Kylin people are very dedicated. Generally, the choice of a spouse will end in the same way.

So after the unicorns began to marry with other races, the unicorns seem to have grown, but the number of pure blood unicorns has been declining.

This caused many elders in the Kylin tribe to be quite dissatisfied, and ordered that the unicorns be restricted from marrying with other races.

However, things turned around later.

The ancestor of the Kylin tribe who proposed to marry with other races refined a treasure called the Qilin Blood Pool.

The role of this treasure is the same as that of the Dragon Gate of the true dragon family. It can purify the blood concentration of the descendants of the Kylin tribe, and keep the blood of these descendants purified until it degenerates into a true pure blood unicorn.

Because of the existence of the Qilin blood pool, many elders of the Qilin tribe also agreed to marriage with other races.

Although each opening of the Qilin blood pool requires a lot of resources, at least the number of pure blood unicorns has been expanded, allowing the continuation of the Qilin clan.

"If the six ancestors had not refined the Qilin blood pool, I am afraid I would never be a pure blood unicorn in my life."

Fairy Lingshang sighed.


Qin Yi glanced at Fairy Lingshang in surprise.

"My father is a pure-blooded unicorn, but my mother is just a family of snakes from the muddy mountains, and at the beginning of my birth, it was just a mixed-blood unicorn."

Fairy Lingshang smiled and said: "Because of the existence of the Qilin blood pool, we can only transform into a pure-blooded unicorn, and we have come this far."

While talking, she was grateful to the sixth ancestor who refined the Qilin blood pool.

In other words, most mixed-blood unicorns are grateful to the sixth ancestor of the unicorn tribe.

Because the Sixth Patriarch gave them hope to transform into a pure-blooded unicorn.

Transformation into a pure-blooded unicorn can not only improve the status of the unicorn clan, but also make the path of self-cultivation smoother.

For example, Fairy Lingshang, before entering the Qilin blood pool, she may spend her entire life, and it is impossible for her to break through the emperor realm.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Qilin blood pool that her bloodline has been purified, allowing her to break through the emperor realm, and later relying on the Qilin blood pool to become a pure blood Qilin.

Until now, he has grown into the emperor of the third realm.

It is conceivable that she is grateful to the Sixth Patriarch.

Even Pan Jiuyue on the side looked at Fairy Lingshang in surprise. She had been fighting with Fairy Lingshang, and she didn't know that Fairy Lingshang had such a past.

You know, when I first saw the fairy Lingshang in Pan Jiuyue, the fairy Lingshang was already a pure-blooded unicorn.

This was the first time she knew that at the beginning of her birth, Fairy Lingshang was not a pure-blooded unicorn.

"Qilin Mountain is here."

At this time, Fairy Lingshang suddenly pointed forward.

A towering mountain with a height of tens of millions of feet, straight into the blue sky, stands tall on the vast expanse.

Countless chaotic essences fell down, covering this mountain.

It is the center of the Kylin World.

Qilin Mountain.

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